Month: February 2022

The Vice Presidency A Thankless Job!

The American Vice Presidency has been described as “stand by equipment”, as there is no great power in the office.

It is a frustrating office, as any Vice President must avoid seeming to take away attention from the President.

If anyone was to ask many Vice Presidents, if not all, how they felt about the position, the likelihood is that the response would be unprintable!

Ask Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, Nelson Rockefeller, George H. W. Bush, Al Gore, and Mike Pence, as just a few examples!

They would all have plenty to complain about, if able to openly express their feelings and thoughts!

And one can be sure that Kamala Harris already has similar feelings and thoughts!

Dictatorial Republican State Governors Against Historic Republican Party Philosophy Of Decentralization!

The Republican Party has long been a conservative oriented party against big government and executive authority.

But now, the Republican Party has embraced the authoritarian Donald Trump, and it gets worse that that!

It also embraces dictatorial state governors, who take away power from local counties and school boards.

This is true in the following Republican governed states:

Greg Abbott–Texas
Ron DeSantis–Florida
Doug Ducey-Arizona
Kim Reynolds–Iowa
Tate Reeves–Mississippi
Mike Parson–Missouri
Peter Ricketts–Nebraska
Kevin Stitt–Oklahoma
Kristi Noem–South Dakota
Glenn Youngkin–Virginia

A Triumphant Week For Joe Biden: Greatest First Year Jobs Growth, And ISIS Leader Eliminated!

The Republican Party is involved in fast fall, after asserting that the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection was “legitimate political discourse”, which is totally preposterous!

So far, only a small number of Republicans in public office are repudiating that statement, notably Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski.

But for Joe Biden and the Democrats, this has been a triumphant week, with 6.6 million jobs created in the first year of the Joe Biden Presidency, more than any other year. Yes, inflation is high, but it would be no matter who was in the White House, and it seems clear that it is a temporary issue.

Also, the leader of ISIS, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi was killed in a counterterrorism raid in Syria, a great accomplishment although ISIS is still a problem. This despicable excuse for a human being killed his own wife and children, rather than surrender!

The Republicans are living in an “alternative universe”, trying to claim that Joe Biden has failed, when all of the evidence in the first year of his Presidency is that the Republicans are “grasping at straws”, as they continue to self destruct by remaining loyal to the traitor and seditionist former President, who has NEVER won the popular vote either time that he was on the ballot, and only due to Russian collusion did he squeak out a unlawful victory the first time in 2016!

Historic Moment For Vice President To Turn Against President: Extremely Rare!

Former Vice President Mike Pence has FINALLY stopped being a sycophant to Donald Trump, after being obsequious to the former President since his selection to be Vice President in the Summer of 2016.

Pence has been weak all along, but finally said he did his constitutional duty by counting the Electoral College votes in the Presidential Election of 2020, a ceremonial duty, with no power to challenge the official vote count.

This IS an historic moment, for a Vice President to turn against the President, extremely rare!

The only public times were Aaron Burr against Thomas Jefferson in 1801, after Burr created a constitutional crisis over whether he or Jefferson was to be President, due to a so called “tie’ in electoral votes; and John C. Calhoun against both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, the two Presidents he served as Vice President, over the issue of the protective tariff and states rights, secession, and nullification.

Also, but more veiled, not obvious publicly, Charles G. Dawes had disagreements with Calvin Coolidge: John Nance Garner broke with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940 as he sought to succeed him; Al Gore separated himself from Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal as Gore ran for President in 2000; and Dick Cheney had growing disagreements and a growing breach with George W. Bush in Bush’s second term after 2005.

Also, more veiled was Thomas Marshall not being informed about Woodrow Wilson’s health after his stroke; Lyndon B. Johnson being mistreated by Robert F. Kennedy under John F. Kennedy’s Presidency; and Hubert Humphrey forced to support the Vietnam War under Johnson after 1965, later stated as a very difficult time for Humphrey.

The Republican Party Has Gone Bonkers, And Conservatives Need To Leave And Form New Party!

The Republican Party and its long history is ending, effectively, with the crazy decision of the Republican National Committee to censure Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming, and Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois!

And the party apparatus has declared that the January 6, 2021 Insurrection was “legitimate political discourse”, an absolutely lunatic statement that is having all past Republicans shamed, and many principled moderates and conservatives in the party today stunned beyond belief!

The party can be considered to have committed suicide, and all decent people in and out of government, need to make clear that they are abandoning the party, as many already have, and start a new conservative party, based on principles, not lawlessness, bloodshed, and violence!

Can any sane person imagine any of the great Senators, Congressmen, Governors, and those connected to past Republican Presidents and nominees who would not be appalled by the total recklessness and conceding to a tin horn lunatic named Donald Trump that has now occurred?

What would Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush say?

What about all of the other luminaries of the Republican Party past and present?

How can such Republicans today as Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, and others NOT quit the party and denounce what they have declared about the January 6 Insurrection, and the mistreatment of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger?

Joe Biden Showing Vladimir Putin How Tough He Is, Not Easily Intimidated By Russian Threats!

The Ukraine Crisis is the most dangerous single moment in international affairs, since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962!

Vladimir Putin seems poised to have Russian troops invade and occupy Ukraine, changing the map of Europe in a way that could lead to continental war and even nuclear war, if the situation gets out of hand.

Joe Biden is showing Putin and the Russian Federation how tough he is, and made clear he will not be easily, or at all, intimidated by Russian threats.

A Russian move westward would also endanger NATO allies, particularly Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, and cannot be tolerated.

It does seem as if Putin is backing off at this writing, but still there are 130,000 troops at the Russian-Ukranian border, while Putin complains about 3,000 US soldiers being deployed to eastern Europe, specifically to Germany and Poland.

Putin is a bully, and the only way to deal with a bully is NOT to back down, so we are in a tenuous, scary period, but if it works out that Russia backs off on its threat to Ukraine, it will make Joe Biden look as good as John F. Kennedy standing off with Nikita Khrushchev sixty years ago!

50-50 US Senate Massive Crisis If One Democrat Is Sick Or Were To Pass Away!

The news that New Mexico freshman Senator Ben Ray Lujan, age 49, one of the 12 youngest Senators, has suffered a stroke and will need to recover, is a shock to the reality of the massive crisis that exists if a Democrat is sick as he is, or were to pass away.

The Senate has become an older body in recent years, and with seven Senators over 80 and 30 Senators in their 70s, it is a very delicate situation if any Senator of either party is indisposed or was to die.

It means, for now, that action on even the Supreme Court nominee will likely have to be delayed as Lujan recovers, with all good wishes from everyone, but the thought that one of the older Senators in the Democratic Party could suddenly die, could lead to Mitch McConnell and the Republicans taking over the Senate before the election results of 2022 are in!

The average age of Senators is about 63 and 58 for the House of Representatives.

And the top three leaders in the House–Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and James Clyburn–are all in their early 80s, as is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is 80 this month of February.

And of course, Joe Biden is 79, and so many other key figures in American national government are in their 70s and 80s!

So the aging of American government is a major threat to stability!

Donald Trump More Dangerous Than Joseph McCarthy, George Wallace, Because A Former President!

If anyone had any doubts, recent events make clear that Donald Trump is much more dangerous to American democracy and the rule of law than anyone in American history!

This includes the demagogue, Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, who led the Red Scare of the 1950s.

It also includes Alabama Governor George Wallace, who won 5 states and 46 electoral votes in the Presidential Election of 1968, gaining 13 percent of the national popular vote, on a campaign premised on racism.

It also is clear that as horrible as President Richard Nixon was a half century ago, by comparison, he could be considered a “choir boy”, which has caused his reputation to rise a bit, as despite the evil he represented, actually he accomplished some positive goals in domestic and foreign policy.

Donald Trump is pure evil, and he must be stopped, and prevented from having any chance to return to power in 2025 on Inauguration Day!