Donald Trump supporters will rave about the fact that the latest CNN poll shows the President’s support has risen to 42 percent.
Of course, it is still the lowest for any President in modern times, but his supporters seem to think that 54 percent against him is no big deal, because they have no understanding of math and statistics!
But the only reason Trump has risen to 42 percent is that the economy, at present, is doing well, thanks to the great economic recovery under Barack Obama, but of course, no credit is given to Obama, because he is the “black man”, who Trump is determined to do everything to destroy his legacy, and lying about Obama is a norm in the Trump White House! So on the economy, his rating is 48 percent, the only area in which he is in the positive category.
On the issue of protective tariffs, Trump only gains 38 percent; on foreign policy 39 percent; on gun policy 36 percent; and only 21 percent believe Trump regarding Stormy Daniels and other women, while 33 percent think Trump Cabinet choices are doing a good job, and not out to benefit themselves.
So public opinion continues to look down on Trump, as the Stormy Daniels and Robert Mueller threats against his Presidency continue to grow and fester!
How Authoritarianism Explains the Durability of Trump’s Support