It is due to several federal district court judges, appointed by Republican Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, and Democratic Presidents Jimmy Carter. Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, that the worst violations of the Constitution by Donald Trump have been prevented from being fulfilled.
On Trump’s travel bans against Muslims and others from several nations; on penalties against “sanctuary cities” which protect undocumented immigrants; and on banning transgender soldiers in the military, these judges have denounced the President for unconstitutional actions, and have been able to stop his destructive tendencies.
Eventually, the circuit courts and the Supreme Court will have to deal with much of the damage Trump has wrought, and there is no certainty of the outcome.
And Trump and the Republican Party in the Senate are in the process of ramming through a large number of judicial appointments, only needing 51 votes to confirm nominees.
These nominees in many cases are totally unqualified and augur a time of incompetent judges who will do great damage to the constitutional norms that Americans are accustomed to, including justice and equality of treatment under the law, which clearly, Donald Trump has no interest in enforcing.
This is another reason why the movement to force Donald Trump out of the Presidency as soon as possible is so significant for the health of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
After the terror attack in Egypt today, our Idiot-in-Chief immediately took to twitter to politicize the event, talking about his Muslim ban, his wall.
Another thing our idiot “president” did today:
Trump uses racist slur against Native Americans at event honoring Native American veterans. He did so while standing in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office.
I’m putting this on my Christmas wish list. When I feel stressed, I can bash Dump!
Our Idiot-in-Chief is acting unhinged again yet our Republican Congress is more concerned about giving the rich tax breaks for Christmas. *shakes head in disgust*