America is on the road to war under President Trump, and expect it before the midterm elections of 2018, possibly late in this first year of the term.
Donald Trump has no clue on diplomacy, and craves to be flattered constantly, and one can be sure that Iran and North Korea are not going to flatter him, and he will overreact to insults, and will have a National Security Adviser, Michael flynn, who will give him bad advice.
Trump also has two many military people in his administration, and too many corporate types who see war as a way to promote the defense industries and obscene war profits.
Trump is the kind of person who will potentially use nuclear weapons, if he feels aggrieved.
He does not have the experience and judgment of Richard Nixon or George H. W. Bush, or the calm, cool demeanor of John F. Kennedy, or the confidence and common sense of Ronald Reagan.
Trump does not have the ability to make foreign policy decisions, and he will upend American foreign policy, including alienating our NATO allies in Europe by cozying up to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin who knows how to manipulate him. He also is likely to alienate China, which could cause troubles for Japan and South Korea, and complicate dealings with North Korea.
We are entering a nightmare scenario, with an unhinged, mentally unstable Commander in Chief!