Day: May 8, 2016

My Projection On Election On History News Network; And Tomorrow, My Rating Presidents Article On HNN!

My History News Network article of last Sunday on My Projection on the Presidential Election of 2016 is now on the blog, on the right side under the heading “Articles & Op-Eds”.

By Monday morning if not before, my Rating Presidents article, updating the C Span rating of 2009, which is due for updating by that station later this year or early in 2017 as Barack Obama leaves office, will indicate how I would change that rating from seven and a half years ago, after putting Barack Obama into the equation.

Of course, trying to judge how a Presidential election will sort out, as well as the many factors in judging Presidential leadership, is highly debatable and controversial, and I welcome commentary on the blog, as to the views of my readers on my conclusions in both matters.

I wish to thank Rick Shenkman of HNN for his encouragement of my writings for publication on his website, with the Ratings Presidents article being my 16th and counting of a wonderful association with the website HNN, which on the average gains 800.000 hits or more per month, and the Projecting the Presidential election results article having gained 6,000 hits in just a few days this past week!