It is clear that foreign policy is going to be a crucial part of the Presidential Election of 2016.
When one looks at the Republican candidates for the Presidency, it is very alarming how little background and experience the group has.
Donald Trump, Dr. Benjamin Carson, and Carly Fiorina, the “Non Officeholders”, have ZERO experience, and just because one is in the business world or is a medical doctor, is NOT qualifications for the Presidency!
Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore were or are Governors and have no experience in foreign policy. but love to act like bullies.
Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have no understanding of the intracacies of American foreign policy, with one so hawkish in his rhetoric that he is literally scary, and the other being totally naive about the world with his overly dovish views.
Former Senator Rick Santorum has no skills to understand the world scene, and Lindsey Graham, while more knowledgeable on foreign policy, is famous for wanting troops everywhere, as he is a super hawk!
Senator Marco Rubio is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which helps his credentials, but he lacks a serious understanding of world affairs.
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has the plus of being related to his dad, who was a foreign policy specialist, but he is more inclined to follow the disastrous policies of his brother, George W. Bush.
John Kasich has the most varied career, and gained foreign policy knowledge while in the House of Representatives for 18 years, and has a more balanced view of the world than any other potential nominee, but he does not have the expertise of Jon Huntsman, who was a potential nominee in 2012 and was Ambassador to China.
The fact is that NO Republican matches the background of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, pure and simple!
As the GOTea is falling apart, Obama’s approval ratings have increased.
CNBC has caved in to Trump’s demands.
Biden’s not going to run.
New poll shows that majority of people are sick about hearing of Hillary’s emails.
Goes to show that people aren’t buying the scam that the Teapublicans are selling!
LOL! Teapublicans as cartoon characters.
Right…. because Barack Hussein Obama had an enormous background and experience back in 2008. Oh yes, I forgot, just because he is a leftist means he is not subjected to the same standards as conservatives. Plus, he is the “Messiah”, the “Chosen One”, the “Anointed One”. Give me a break, You leftist are so foolish, at times, I take that back, most of the time…LOL
LOL! Only in Ariel’s fantasy world is Obama weak on foreign policy.
Chaffee is quitting the race as well. Not a big surprise.
Paul Ryan’s running for Speaker.
Things like this are why I believe that climate change is real and it’s humanity’s fault.
Leia: A hurricane during hurricane season??? Really???
It’s the fact that it’s the strongest ever. Do nothing about climate change and we’ll see more and more extreme events like that.
Exactly right Leia!
And there’s also things like this, more evidence of climate change.
Leia: The strongest ever?? You sure about that? You mean the strongest since NOAA has been tracking, meaning 170 years. I believe the planet has been around for more than 170 yrs.
Quite sure.
The basic point is, that if nothing is done about human-caused climate change, you’ll be seeing very extreme weather on the scale of Hollywood disaster movies.
The refugee crisis in Europe is only a taste of what’s to come.
Great reporting and graphics package from The New York Times on the rapid melting of Greenland’s ice sheet, which could increase sea levels by about 20 feet.
Princess Leia, oh well, let us all pray and that will solve everything!