It is amazing to watch as Republican Governors, interested in running for President in 2016, are falling like flies in political corruption indictments!
First, we had former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.
Then, we had New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Next, we had Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
And now, news comes of the indictment of Texas Governor Rick Perry.
These Governors and one former Governor are all despicable in their public records, and it could not happen to a better group of politicians, than to see these Governors destroyed by the political scandals and corruption surrounding them.
These Governors prove that the concept that state government, and being Governors, makes them better qualified for national office, is a myth.
The more one studies state governments across the nation, including the state legislatures, the more one realized that no matter how much we complain about national government, overall, it does a far better job with far less corruption than state governments!
Conservatives and Republicans love to promote the idea of state and local governments as being “better” and more representative of the population they serve, but the truth shows, both historically and in the present, that national government is far better in results and ethics, even though there is plenty of room for improvement!