Barack Obama Totally Correct: GOP Will NEVER Win Presidency Again Unless They Return To Political Center!

President Barack Obama has made a statement that cannot be contradicted!

IF the Republican Party moves away, at some point, from the extremist right wing of the Tea Party Movement, and the influence of the old Southern Democratic racists turned Republicans because of the Civil Rights Act of fifty years ago, then they have the opportunity, and even likelihood, of eventually regaining the White House!

But if they insist on alienating women, African Americans, Latino and Asian American citizens and immigrants, labor, gays and lesbians, environmentalists, those who believe in science over religion, poor people, the middle class, educated people, and those who believe government is good rather than evil, then they will, Obama says, NEVER win the Presidency again.

The nation is turning “Blue” over time in Texas, Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina, and already much of the Midwest has become more definitely “Blue”, as well as Florida and Virginia.

So, as Obama states, it is all up to the Republican Party! Moderate your right wing extremism, or your party is in the dustbin of history, as America is not a mean spirited, racist, nativist nation, just many of those who choose to call themselves Republicans.

2 comments on “Barack Obama Totally Correct: GOP Will NEVER Win Presidency Again Unless They Return To Political Center!

  1. Engineer Of Knowledge July 4, 2014 8:28 am

    Good Morning Professor,
    I wanted to wish you a Happy 4th of July friend.


    Forty seven years ago in the small town of Cambridge, Md., H. Rap Brown crossed rhetorical swords with then Maryland’s Gov. Spiro T. Agnew. The two put the convulsive actions of that summer of 1967 into words in ways that deepened the nation’s racial divide. They popularized a style of political speech that would increase black / white antagonism and drew millions of White Southern Democrats into the Republican Party.

    Harriet Tubman was born and was a slave on a farm outside the city limits of Cambridge before escaping and starting the Underground Railroad.

    Frederic Douglas was also born a slave in this same geographical area.

    Agnew and Brown climbed instantly from obscurity to icon status and would rise unexpectedly to positions of national importance, swept along in historical currents beyond their control. Their words split the pro-civil rights coalition, and inspired the “Southern Strategy” of the Republican Party.

    Agnew’s calculated tough talk earned him time on the national news and caught the attention of a young aide to Richard Nixon named Patrick Buchanan, who kept newspaper clips of Agnew to show to his boss, who eventually selected Agnew as his running mate in 1968.

    So in conclusion, the South today that is now the “Reactionary Conservative Republican” strong hold all comes around to the same old variable of 150 plus years ago….”Racism!”

  2. Ronald July 4, 2014 8:34 am

    Again, Engineer, my friend, thanks so much for your insights, your article, and the emphasis on how Spiro Agnew was the beginning of the Republican South with his divisive rhetoric, which made him Vice President for nearly five years, until his corruption and crooked nature were finally uncovered.

    We were fortunate to have Gerald Ford, a decent moderate man, as Richard Nixon’s successor!

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