The Tea Party Movement reached five years of age in the last few days, and the question is what has been accomplished?
The Tea Party Movement has led to the following:
Complete stalemate and gridlock in both houses of Congress.
The weakening of the power of the Speaker of the House John Boehner to the level it was in 1910 after the “House Revolution” against Speaker Joseph Cannon.
The loss of a potential Senate majority for the Republican Party twice, when it seemed possible.
The undermining of the American economy and America’s image in the world.
The promotion of racism, misogyny, nativism, and hate and confrontation.
The undermining of national government in favor of sectionalism and secession.
The growing inability of President Obama to gain any kind of cooperation from the opposition party, unseen since the time of Andrew Johnson.
The loss of any reasonable civility between the leaders of the Republican Party and the President of the opposition party.
The growing split between the two major political parties in a manner unseen since the Civil War-Reconstruction Era 150 years ago.
The growing personal threats of assassination against President Obama, unseen at this level since the time of Abraham Lincoln.
But there are signs that the American people have had it with the Tea Party Movement in the Congress and in the state governments.
This is a clear cut warning for those promoting this divisiveness and anarchy, that the time for return to civility has arrived, and that if those in government now refuse to see the handwriting on the wall, then they will be repudiated in 2014 and 2016!