Misogyny And The Republican Party’s Doom, Short Term And Long Term

The Republican Party has displayed, again and again, its total lack of respect for women in so many ways!

Not only have they worked to deny women their basic human rights to their own bodies, and had candidates and office holders who debate what rape is.

Not only have they now worked in Texas and other southern states to deny women who are married or divorced the ability to vote by making an issue of their use of maiden names and married names that do not match on IDs, so as to take away the right to vote. Such is the case with a Texas judge recently challenged because she has an ID with her middle name but has also used her married name on other documents and in public, and is well known, and yet is being told they do not match, so she should be denied the right to vote, although never challenged for the past half century! And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

And not only these examples above, but also the total lack of respect the Republicans have for women who serve in the Obama Administration. So we have had nasty attacks on the honesty and competence of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; former United Nations Ambassador and now National Security Adviser Susan Rice; and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

These three women have devoted their lives to public service in magnificent ways, and are suffering from misogynistic attacks of a party only too willing to attack, while not being embarrassed by the asinine behavior of such women, including Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, but not limited just to those two women!

The GOP is dooming its future, as already, the majority of women vote Democratic, so continuation of their misogynistic attitudes is a losing strategy, short term and long term!

5 comments on “Misogyny And The Republican Party’s Doom, Short Term And Long Term

  1. Engineer Of Knowledge October 26, 2013 12:12 pm

    Hello Professor,
    Robert Green Ingersoll was a lawyer, a Civil War veteran, Republican political leader, and orator of United States during the Golden Age of Freethought, noted for his broad range of culture.

    After the war, he served as Illiothers Attorney General. He was a prominent member of the Republican Party and, though he never held an elected position, he was nonetheless an active participant in politics. According to Robert Nisbet, Ingersoll was a “staunch conservative Republican.” (In the terms of what “Conservative” meant back then. Not by the toxic and current skewed definition.)

    His speech nominating James G. Blaine for the 1876 presidential election was unsuccessful, as Rutherford B. Hayes received the Republican nomination, but the speech itself, known as the “Plumed Knight” speech, was considered a model of political oratory. (Franklin Roosevelt probably used it as a model for his “Happy Warrior” speech when nominating Alfred E. Smith for president in 1928).

    His progressive views on religion, slavery, woman’s suffrage, and other issues of the day effectively prevented him from ever pursuing or holding political offices higher than that of state attorney general.

    Below are some of this Republican’s quotes in the day when the Republican Party was a “Thinking Man’s” Party….Not what it has become today. Read the quotes and reflect how they differ from the “Republican Rhetoric” of today. Here of late, the Party has quit employing “Critical Thinking”.

    On woman’s rights:
    “Women will never be truly free until they have control of their own reproduction.”

    On Fundamentalist Religion:
    “They knew that to put God in the constitution was to put man out. They knew that the recognition of a Deity would be seized upon by fanatics and zealots as a pretext for destroying the liberty of thought. They knew the terrible history of the church too well to place in her keeping or in the keeping of her God the sacred rights of man. They intended that all should have the right to worship or not to worship that our laws should make no distinction on account of creed. They intended to found and frame a government for man and for man alone. They wished to preserve the individuality of all to prevent the few from governing the many and the many from persecuting and destroying the few.”

    “Progress is born of doubt and inquiry. The Church never doubts, never inquires. To doubt is heresy, to inquire is to admit that you do not know. The Church does neither. ”

    “No one infers a god from the simple, from the known, from what is understood, but from the complex, from the unknown, and incomprehensible. Our ignorance is God; what we know is science.”

    Defining the meaning of the Declaration of Independence:
    The Declaration of Independence announces the sublime truth, that all power comes from the people. This was a denial, and the first denial of a nation, of the infamous dogma that God confers the right upon one man to govern others. It was the first grand assertion of the dignity of the human race. It declared the governed to be the source of power, and in fact denied the authority of any and sall gods. Through the ages of slavery, through the weary centuries of the lash and chain, God was the acknowledged ruler of the world. To enthrone man, was to dethrone God.

    The Republican Party needs more men like Robert Ingersoll today to get it back on track to once it was and stood for.

  2. Ronald October 26, 2013 1:40 pm

    Brilliant commentary, Engineer, but then I would not expect anything else from you! 🙂 Thanks so much!

  3. Eugene October 27, 2013 10:15 am

    List of things that require photo identification.
    If having an ID in order to vote is racist how do minorities, college kids, and old people do anything on the list below?
    1. Boarding an airplane
    2. Writing a check
    3. Cashing a check
    4. Using a credit card
    5. Driving a motor vehicle
    6. Applying for a business license
    7. Applying for permission to hold a protest or rally
    8. Securing employment
    9. Purchasing a house or real estate
    10. Renting a domicile
    11. Renting a motor vehicle
    12. Purchasing a firearm (Includes BB guns)
    13. Applying for a hunting license (waived for 16 and 17 year olds when their legal guardian provides a photo ID)
    14. Applying for a fishing license (waived for 16 and 17 year olds when their legal guardian provides a photo ID)
    15. Purchasing alcoholic beverages
    16. Purchasing tobacco or products that contain nicotine
    17. Purchasing a motor vehicle
    18. Initial registration of a motor vehicle
    19. Applying for a building permit
    20. Receiving prescription medicine
    21. Purchasing OTC medicine that contains pseudoephedrine
    22. Serving on jury duty
    23. Getting a bank account
    24. Cash transactions of $5000.00 or greater
    25. Sales tax exemption for people aged 80 and above
    26. Applying for Food Stamps
    27. Applying for Welfare
    28. Applying for Social Security/Medicaid
    29. Applying for Unemployment
    30. Getting Married
    31. Adopting a pet
    32. Visiting a Casino
    33. Donating blood
    34. Buying nail polish at CVS
    35. Buying certain cold medicines
    36 BUT NOT TO VOTE????

  4. Rustbelt Democrat October 27, 2013 11:58 am

    Juan/Russian woman/Robert/Eugene just does not get it and will never get it.

  5. Princess Leia October 28, 2013 8:41 am

    @Juan/Russian woman/Robert/Eugene

    You might as well just go back into the woodwork you came out of. Your trolling on this blog is not doing any good. You are not going to change our minds away from the truth.

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