Today, exactly two thirds through the term of President Barack Obama, marks the end of a discriminatory policy that not only hurts its victims, but also our national security!
Today, America joins many European nations and Israel in ending discrimination against gays and lesbians who wish to serve their country in the military, with their specialized skills and talents, to defend the homeland.
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, adopted under President Bill Clinton, because he did not have the guts to do what President Harry Truman did regarding integration of African Americans in the military, simply declaring the end of discrimination by an executive order of the President, is FINALLY over!
But 13,000 people lost their military career, all due to prejudice and bias, despite the clear evidence that other nations had no issue arise that undermined their military forces.
Now people do not need to hide their private lives,or lie to others about who they love, and that is one of the greatest advancements of human rights in a long time, so this is a day to applaud and celebrate!
No matter what happens to Barack Obama in next year’s election, he will always be remembered as the President under whom discrimination ended, and human rights were advanced!