The Republican Party has moved so far to the Right that the list of outrageous views and statements that can be compiled gets worse all of the time! There seems to be no limit to their nastiness, selfishness, mean spiritedness, and anarchistic statements against government!
Witness the following in no special order:
Florida Senator Marco Rubio, in a speech at the Ronald Reagan Library in California, condemns the entire New Deal and Great Society, saying Social Security and Medicare have been a total failure! He seems to suggest that such parts of the social safety net should be phased out, and demonstrates no recognition of how these programs have made old age much more dignified over the past 50-80 years, plus offering assistance to widows, children, and the disabled!
Virginia Congressman and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Wisconsin Congressman and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan say that earthquake and hurricane relief will be dealt with, but that equivalent budget cuts will have to be arranged to cover those costs! This will affect average Americans and cause more joblessness, and shows absolutely no concern about the economic effect on the long range future of the nation!
Texas Congressman Ron Paul, running for President, says that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) should not exist and is unnecessary, as the states and local governments can handle natural disaster, describing that as the response in past storms in Texas decades ago! He conveniently forgets or is ignorant of the fact that the worst hurricane in history, in Galveston, Texas, part of his district, experienced 6,000-12,000 dead in the year 1900, because of lack of awareness and response to that hurricane! Paul wants to go back a century, and what he is calling for is anarchism of the worst kind, such hatred of national government that he would leave recovery to states, particularly in the Gulf area, which historically have had just about the worst concern and commitment to their citizens, particularly the poor who are always more often the victims of natural disasters!
There will be more outrageous statements and criticisms of the federal government on the role they should play regarding the social safety net, and the reaction to natural disasters. We are living through a time of lunacy and insanity, of anarchism just as dangerous as any Islamic terrorist could ever present to our nation!
And sadly, it is also some Christian “terrorists”, just as dangerous to our nation, who are claiming that these natural disasters visiting the Atlantic Coast are due to gay marriage and abortion and having a black President! And the hatred prevalent at some church services conducted by these lunatic pastors against Barack Obama is terrifying! Jesus Christ has been totally distorted in his message of compassion and love by these reckless, hate mongering pastors who manipulate gullible followers in a dangerous, inciting manner!
We are in a very dangerous political climate that makes one wonder about the stability of the American republic!
Not true. The accusation that “the Republican Party has moved so far to the Right that the list of outrageous views and statements that can be compiled gets worse all of the time! There seems to be no limit to their nastiness, selfishness, mean spiritedness, and anarchistic statements against government!”
The truth is that the Democratic Party has moved so far to the left that the list of outrageous views and statements that can be compiled gets worse all of the time! There seems to be no limit to their nastiness, selfishness, mean spiritedness, and anarchistic statements against government!
I know because I was a Democrat, my parents and grandparents were Democrats and the party moved so far to the left that they left us all behind. I am 71 years old, and I grieved while watching–feeling helpless to stop it–as the party fell into further and further into corruption and deception and duped the people with promises that only put them into dependency upon government. It is no longer the party of the people, for the people and by the people. If you really care, you will work to restore the party to sanity and its truth nature.
Thanks for writing. You certainly have a right to your opinions, but realize that the Republican Party of Eisenhower, Nixon, Rockefeller is long gone, and that the GOP now advocates the end of Social Security and Medicare, and the destruction of the middle class, which they have wrought over the past three decades very effectively, including refusal to tax the corporations and the wealthy at the rate they were under Eisenhower and Reagan!
The Democratic Party still speaks for the middle class, the deprived, and the elderly, even if you fail to see that fact!
It’s really frustrating how you continually refer to the Republican Party using the word “extreme.” You make it seem like without government programs, the so-called middle class would just be eviscerated. But what is actually true is that the government didn’t create the middle class. Democratic ideology makes government programs and the middle class synonymous. In reality, the Democratic Party’s policies are incrementally leading the United States to a society in which individual initiative and choice, families and local communities, and the uniqueness of every individual are suffocated under a one-size fits all government that tells you exactly what you can achieve and how you can live. Where what the government’s definition of life is what you better accept. Where what the people in charge decide and you little people don’t ask any questions.
The Democratic Party of the early 20th century was the very opposite of this reactionary, claim to be progressive but resist all change party. The unfortunate truth is that the Democratic Party will live and die with the special interests that take hold of it, and will bring the country to its knees to do so, as it did with slavery, segregation, and is now doing with big government, unions, and abortion (“women’s rights”).
Consider that just 32 years ago, the Republican Party had Senators such as Mark Hatfield, Charles Mathias and Charles Percy, all who recently died, and a Presidential primary field of Ronald Reagan, George H W Bush, Howard Baker, and Bob Dole and other respectable moderates and mainstream conservatives. Then look at the leaders of the party today in Congress and in the Presidential primary competition and tell me how can anyone do anything other than mourn the death of a once respectable mainstream party, now controlled by extremists, whether you wish to accept it or not! They have, through promoting deregulation and tax policy favoring the rich, destroyed the nation economically, but instead of hanging their heads in shame, they attack Barack Obama for inability to right their wrongs in two and a half years, after they controlled the White House for eight years, and the Congress for twelve years, in which they abused the middle class and had no concern for the poor!