The results of the Ames Iowa Straw Poll is proof that those who participated in the straw poll, a total of about 17,000 people, are living on hallucinatory medication!
The fact that Michele Bachmann won about one out of four voters, and that Ron Paul was a very close second, demonstrates that those who participated are far from the norm of America, as there is NO POSSIBILITY that either Bachmann or Paul will be the Republican nominee, and were either to be so, it would be the suicide of the Republican party!
Ron Paul’s libertarian view has no chance at all to carry the country, and his isolationist foreign policy, while appealing to many emotionally, would never gain the support of most Republicans in a nationwide race.
Michele Bachmann, who says God speaks to her, and tells her what to do, and that she believes in being “submissive” to her husband, is clearly someone who alarms those who believe in separation of church and state, and those who believe in gender equality, with the vast majority of modern women refusing to consider a candidate with her religious views of the role of women in 21st century America!
Yesterday was a day quite depressing for mainstream Republicans who are alarmed at what is happening to the party of Lincoln, TR, Eisenhower, and Reagan. But should, or will the votes of 17,000 right wingers in Iowa be enough to cause the party to commit suicide? That is extremely hard to imagine!