Endless Speculation About Hillary Clinton’s Future: Secretary Of Defense Or Vice President?

Lately, there has been speculation about the future of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Acknowledged by most observers as doing an exceptional job as Secretary of State, and reported to have a very close relationship with President Obama, one would think that Clinton would simply stay on as Secretary of State, until her plans at some point in the future to retire, self declared by her recently.

But instead, there are rumors that she will replace Secretary of Defense Robert Gates when he leaves at some point in the future, and returns to Texas!

There is also the suggestion by Sally Quinn of the Washington Post that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden should switch positions, with Hillary becoming Vice President under the 25th Amendment, after Joe Biden resigns and becomes Secretary of State, having the opportunity to shape foreign policy, his greatest love and passion!

The argument is that Biden has no intention of seeking the Presidency, as he would be 74 at the end of a second Obama term.

But supposedly, Hillary Clinton might still be interested in seeking the Presidency at the age of 69 in 2016, younger than Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, and John McCain, when they finally were nominated for President!

The argument is that Hillary Clinton could help President Obama win a second term, and with her experience and gender, could negate the effect of Sarah Palin or any other woman in the Republican party, and would have exceptional credentials to replace Obama if, for some reason, he left before the end of the second term. In any case, she would have a tremendous edge on the 2016 nomination and election from the Vice Presidency!

Of course, all this is speculation and rumor, but it certainly is interesting and fascinating to discuss and think about such scenarios as Secretary of Defense and Vice President for Hillary Clinton! šŸ™‚

2 comments on “Endless Speculation About Hillary Clinton’s Future: Secretary Of Defense Or Vice President?

  1. Still4Hill June 18, 2010 2:14 pm

    She’s fun to watch! šŸ™‚

  2. mat fl September 6, 2010 7:00 am

    Oh, Hillary, you are looking so tired. Take care of yourself. We need you. It’s not easy doing the job of Secretary of State and trying to keep the President from destroying our country in every conceivable way. You are the one who should be sitting in the Oval Office now. Through some hideous act of fate, an inept, inexperienced, shallow-minded individual grabbed that seat. Oh, Lord, I hope we can hang on until 2012!

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