Jimmy Carter Leaves The Southern Baptist Church

Former President Jimmy Carter, who brought the role of religion back to the White House with his profound belief in his Southern Baptist Church,  has long been uncomfortable with the overly conservative and traditionalist views of that church, and has now announced that after more than 60 years as an adherent of the church,  that he is leaving over its refusal to modernize,  and realize the rights of women.

Carter condemned the teachings of Southern Baptism that women must be subservient to their husbands, cannot be ordained as ministers, and that women should have no rights over their bodies and lives.

Carter stated that women are being denied fair access to health, employment, education and a role in their community by the teachings and doctrines of Southern Baptism, and that women are entitled to their dignity and basic human rights.

I applaud President Carter for taking such a courageous stand.  While he remains controversial for his views on Israel and the Middle East crisis, and stirs up opposition by many for his stands on other public issues, one must certainly say that he is a man of courage and convictions who does not worry about the enemies and opposition he engenders.  On this issue, Jimmy Carter deserves a round of applause!

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