Day: July 14, 2009

Excellent Performance By Sonia Sotomayor

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor has been putting on a excellent performance at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on her nomination.

She is demonstrating her intellectual brilliance,  her vast legal knowledge, and also how to handle a group of "conservative white men"  who have problems dealing with the changing demography of America, and who grew up in an environment where a Puerto Rican woman born in the South Bronx was seen as more likely to be a maid than a legal scholar.

IF the Republicans overwhelmingly reject Sonia Sotomayor, who has more experience than any Court nominee of the past century, it will only contribute to the continued decline of the GOP, as they are looking at a country in which Hispanics and Latinos are becoming more and more a part of the political and social and economic future of America. 

The American Southwest (meaning particularly Arizona,  New Mexico,  Nevada, and Colorado)  along with Texas  (which is becoming more influenced by Hispanics as well) could become permanent Democratic strongholds if the Republican Party fails to come to grips with reality and does not stop its image of being totally anti minority.  White Anglos will be a minority of the country in the next thirty years, and politics therefore will change whether the Republicans like it or not.

Finally, Some Common Sense From Republicans On Sarah Palin

Finally,  it seems as if Republicans see Sarah Palin as someone they may like looking at, but not someone they would vote for, as a recent CBS poll indicates.

Only 33 percent believe that Sarah is qualified to take on the responsibilities of being President,  as compared to 71 percent  of GOPers who stated she was qualified, during the political campaign of 2008.

This is bad news for Sarah Palin, but good news for the nation at large and for the GOP, as were they to nominate her, a supremely ill qualified candidate to deal with the many domestic and foreign policy issues this country faces, they would surely lose the next election big time, and would be in worse shape than they are right now. 

What Sarah Palin needs to do after she resigns on July 26 is take care of her family, including her special needs son,  and take some time,  if she wishes any future in politics at all below the Presidential level, to learn about what is going on in this world–that is, build up her knowledge base which is woefully inadequate, and also learn the English language (uneconomical is not a word LOL)  and the agencies of government  (there is no Department of Law–rather the Department of Justice LOL).

In other words, we do not want  in high office a person who sounds like the average American who is ill informed and poorly spoken.  We need someone to be a model for us, along the lines of …hmmmm….. Barack Obama! 🙂