Republican Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky is the only senator ever to be a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, having a superlative record as a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers and Philadelphia Phillies in the 1950s and early 1960s.
I remember admiring Bunning, as a young man who was a baseball fan. But that is long past. Senator Bunning, who also served as a Congressman before his Senate tenure, has become a public embarrassment with his outrageous statements on many matters over the years, and there have been signs that he might have mental issues as he is nearing 80 years of age.
Now he is showing a disgraceful lack of class and judgment by declaring that Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who has totally different views of the law and society than conservative Bunning, and recently underwent pancreatic cancer treatment, will be dead within nine months. While the prognosis for pancreatic cancer is not good, no one should EVER make such a public statement about someone else’s health. Instead, everyone should pray for the restoration of the health of a Justice highly respected and admired. Her leaving the Supreme Court would be a sad moment as she has added a lot to the Court’s image and respectability.
It is clear that many Republicans wish that Senator Bunning would retire in 2010, as he is seen as likely to lose his seat to a Democrat as things stand now.  With all due respect for Jim Bunning, the Baseball Hall of Famer, it is certainly time for Senator Bunning to leave the Senate, where he has NOT made a distinguished record in action or statements!