
Trump’s Constant Use Of Projection Makes Him Look Foolish, And Clearly, He Is A Sociopath And Psychopath!

All Presidents and Presidential contenders have faults, shortcomings, negative points about their lives and public records.

There is not even among the great Presidents anyone who cannot be faulted and criticized.

But NEVER have we had a President quite like Donald Trump. He looks foolish regularly, and is the butt of jokes, as he makes himself look ridiculous and clueless as to reality!

He is a constant user of the psychological method known as “Projection”, labeling others and attacking others in every possible manner, but actually everything he utters or puts on Twitter as criticisms or ridicule can be pushed back on him!

He has no shame, or willingness to admit he is wrong, or to take responsibility for his actions.

He stands at the top of the list of President who were racist, nativist, and misogynistic, and yet he claims falsely that he is tolerant and treats others with dignity and respect.

In other words, he is looking in the mirror, so when he says someone is fat, crazy, stupid, and any other long list of verbal and written attacks, it applies to him and tells all of us just how messed up psychologically he is.

Face the facts, Donald Trump is a very sick person, a very unhappy person, a person who is dangerous, sadistic, uncaring, mean, nasty, and a pathological liar!

He has the traits of being a sociopath and a psychopath, and one has to be concerned as when he is rejected by the voters in 102 days, he could lash out in a very dangerous manner, that could unleash a nuclear war or a state of emergency, and cause more deaths than he has already caused by his unwillingness to deal with the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

And if by some tragic circumstances, through foreign collusion, voter suppression, and federal military being sent to prevent people from voting in person or by mail, Trump is reelected, then the United States is in a situation of intolerable danger!

If Donald Trump loses, even if he does not accept it, at that point, one would hope against hope that Vice President Pence and the majority of the Cabinet would step in and prevent any rash action by Trump, including invoking the 25th Amendment.

This would put Mike Pence in the Presidency for a brief couple of months until the inauguration. While an unpleasant situation, it would make Mike Pence look like a short term hero, saving the country from a disaster of an outgoing President wreaking massive damage on the nation in a innumerable set of possible circumstances.

Donald Trump: Psychopath And Sociopath

Here we are nine months since the inauguration of Donald Trump.

It is as if a baby was conceived, and now, after nine months. the baby is born.

And who is this baby?

A literal MONSTER, dangerous to the civil liberties of the American people, and a menace to world peace and order.

We have a person in the Oval Office today who sees no reason not to use nuclear weapons and destroy a nation of 25 million people, because its leader is unstable and reckless, exactly what Donald Trump has demonstrated is his behavior.

We have a person who exaggerates everything,

lies all of the time,

refuses to ever admit a mistake and admit he is wrong and apologize,

attacks everyone imaginable in a concerted campaign to assassinate every critic’s character,

displays ignorance of facts and reality,

attacks freedom of speech and press,

displays totally narcissistic behavior,

has presided over the worst personal and administration corruption of any President since Richard Nixon, and greater in detail than Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding,

is actively working to create total chaos and anarchy as he splits with the party that put him into office,

promotes a policy of painting himself in a corner and burning his bridges behind himself,

and is clearly delusional and mentally deranged.

So who is Donald Trump?

Clearly, he is a psychopath and sociopath, who is a danger to the nation and the world, who must be removed promptly from office.

He has lost all moral and ethical authority.

He has become more like a Mafia leader, such as John Gotti or Al Capone, rather than a President, and is much more dangerous than any Mafia leader could ever be.

He and his family have already become the most corrupt Presidential family in American history.

It seems that Robert Mueller, Special Counsel, is rapidly gathering a strong case against Donald Trump, not soon enough for his critics, but a case that should be solid on why Trump must be forced out of office over the next few months, hopefully before he takes actions that totally destroy the world order, and gets America immersed in multiple wars and crises, and the total destruction of the accomplishments of Democratic and Republican Presidents since Theodore Roosevelt onward.

This is a bigger constitutional crisis than Richard Nixon presented, something hard to accept, but the truth!

Psychiatrists Speak Out On Their Belief That Donald Trump Is Mentally Ill, And Dangerous With Power Over Nuclear Codes

Here we are, eight and a half months into the Presidency of Donald Trump, and what many have said in whispers and in private discussions, is now out in publication via a new book, THE DANGEROUS CASE OF DONALD TRUMP.

This book says that large numbers of psychiatrists (27) now warn that Donald Trump is mentally ill, and dangerous with power over nuclear codes that could cause a Holocaust greater than the infamous mass murder of Jews and others in World War II at the hands of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler.

Many will argue that no one can judge the mental state of anyone from a distance, but Donald Trump is regularly seen by news media and the public, and his staff and cabinet officers, and his behavior has been maniacal, when he was running for President, and in the months of his Presidency.

He is clearly seen by his behavior, as at least a person who might be in early dementia, displaying bipolar behavior with his constant rants and anger and fury, and clearly has narcissistic personality disorder.

If he did not have control over nuclear weapons, and the ability to take us to war without Congressional approval, or if he was just an ordinary citizen, it might be said to calm down and relax.

But Trump has absolute control to destroy the world if he so chooses, and he is clearly delusional, and many see him as a psychopath and sociopath.

We are all upset over the Las Vegas mass murderer, but the capacity of Donald Trump is to do much greater levels of harm, not just 58 deaths and 500 wounded, but the potential for millions of Americans and people of other nations, including 25 million in North Korea, and untold millions in South Korea and Japan, to be victims of a man who could be more dangerous than even Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin, if he goes berserk.

No one can say that we can be confident that Donald Trump is sane, with the weird, unstable behavior he has displayed so often, and with the great hatred and resentment that he has displayed in his years in the public sphere.

So this book is required reading, and right now, is out of stock, and at number one on the Best Seller List.

Donald Trump: Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Of American Politics, Making Him The Most Dangerous President In American History!

Donald Trump is the oddest person ever to be President of the United States.

He loves himself to the extreme; brags about his apartment in Trump Tower and his estate at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida; keeps on reminding us that he is President; makes the most weird faces imaginable; rants and raves when things do not go his way; and does not have a decent bone in his body.

He is a psychopath and sociopath, with control over the nuclear codes, a terrifying prospect, that he has the power, all by himself, to destroy the world or any part of it, in a fit of rage.

Many have said that he can be charming or rational at least some of the time, and he can pass that way when he is on script with a teleprompter, which he used to ridicule Barack Obama for utilizing, so that he would say the proper statements, and avoid problems by ad libbing too much.

But when Trump goes off script, he makes a fool of himself, and embarrasses everyone who has a brain and a sense of dignity and proper behavior.

He attacks the news media, which is what keeps us free.

He attacks a reputable US Senator, John McCain, suffering from brain cancer.

He implies that the Democratic party is close to Communism.

He attacks his own party leadership in the Senate, particularly Mitch McConnell, and then expects cooperation on legislation.

All this occurred last night in Phoenix, as he also praised a lawbreaker, former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and suggested he would pardon him before sentencing.

He could be said to have dual personalities, and really is a split personality. He is really like Robert Louis Stevenson’s gothic novella, THE STRANGE CASE OF DR JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE.

Maybe one fourth of the time, he is Dr. Jekyll, but then the other 75 percent of the time, he is Mr. Hyde, an evil, dangerous man who could destroy the world, and is already damaging the legacy of Presidents since Theodore Roosevelt.

This is a great tragedy for America, and might take decades to reverse, if indeed, we are still here if Trump ever goes completely bonkers and initiates nuclear war!