Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Psychiatrists Speak Out On Their Belief That Donald Trump Is Mentally Ill, And Dangerous With Power Over Nuclear Codes

Here we are, eight and a half months into the Presidency of Donald Trump, and what many have said in whispers and in private discussions, is now out in publication via a new book, THE DANGEROUS CASE OF DONALD TRUMP.

This book says that large numbers of psychiatrists (27) now warn that Donald Trump is mentally ill, and dangerous with power over nuclear codes that could cause a Holocaust greater than the infamous mass murder of Jews and others in World War II at the hands of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler.

Many will argue that no one can judge the mental state of anyone from a distance, but Donald Trump is regularly seen by news media and the public, and his staff and cabinet officers, and his behavior has been maniacal, when he was running for President, and in the months of his Presidency.

He is clearly seen by his behavior, as at least a person who might be in early dementia, displaying bipolar behavior with his constant rants and anger and fury, and clearly has narcissistic personality disorder.

If he did not have control over nuclear weapons, and the ability to take us to war without Congressional approval, or if he was just an ordinary citizen, it might be said to calm down and relax.

But Trump has absolute control to destroy the world if he so chooses, and he is clearly delusional, and many see him as a psychopath and sociopath.

We are all upset over the Las Vegas mass murderer, but the capacity of Donald Trump is to do much greater levels of harm, not just 58 deaths and 500 wounded, but the potential for millions of Americans and people of other nations, including 25 million in North Korea, and untold millions in South Korea and Japan, to be victims of a man who could be more dangerous than even Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin, if he goes berserk.

No one can say that we can be confident that Donald Trump is sane, with the weird, unstable behavior he has displayed so often, and with the great hatred and resentment that he has displayed in his years in the public sphere.

So this book is required reading, and right now, is out of stock, and at number one on the Best Seller List.

The Coming Foreign Trip Disaster Of Donald Trump

Donald Trump is about to engage in a nine day foreign trip, which is bound to be a total disaster.

He will visit Saudi Arabia, the home of the Muslim holy sites of Mecca and Medina, and it will be delicate to do so, after his anti Muslim rhetoric and his attempted Muslim bans.

He will visit Israel, after having revealed Israeli intelligence information to the Russian Foreign Minister and Russian Ambassador to the United States in the Oval Office, and backing away from the idea of recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, and hinting that Israel must agree to concessions to the Palestinians, as he pursues “the art of the deal”. Also, he has refused to visit Masada, since he cannot have his helicopter go to the top of Masada, and is unwilling to take a cable car to the Mount. He also plans only 15 minutes at the Holocaust Memorial, Yad Vashem, which will alienate many Israelis and American Jews.

He will visit Vatican City and Pope Francis, and has been highly critical of the Pope, who has been dismissive of Trump’s rhetoric and his planned Mexico Wall.

He will be at the NATO summit in Belgium, having alarmed members at his on and off attitudes towards the significance of the alliance, and his pro Russian tendencies that are now being investigated, and could lead to his Presidency in flames.

He will also be be at the G-7 summit with our major economic partners–Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan, to be held in Sicily, Italy.

There will be plenty of opportunity for flubs, blunders, embarrassments, and Trump is not good at sitting through long sessions, gets bored easily, and is not willing to do the preparation, and reading, required to be knowledgeable and competent at international meetings with experienced and competent diplomats and foreign leaders.

Despite what Trump claims, he is NOT a good student, and clearly has a variation of Attention Deficit Disorder, along with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and a likely possibility of Dementia or Alzheimers.

Trump is not up to this trip, which is too long and detailed, and cannot sleep in his own bed, and he is very intense about actually being seriously tested and challenged, as his Presidency deteriorates around him.

Barack Obama made his first foreign trip to Canada, and George W. Bush to Mexico, and after what is likely to be a disastrous trip, who knows if Trump will not just hole himself up in the White House, and scream and yell at his family and his aides, as he faces the end of his Presidency, as a total disgrace to the institution of the Presidency!

Most Disastrous Press Conference Of Any President In American History Occurred Today!

Donald Trump demonstrated total mental disorder at his first press conference as President this afternoon. There has never been a press conference like this one, not even under Richard Nixon.

His behavior was bizarre, unhinged, scary to watch, and totally delusional.

Trump showed that he has the symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and just mentioning nuclear weapons in the press conference was terrifying.

He lied, deceived, exaggerated. showed ignorance, and that he was living in a virtual reality outside of the real world.

He showed no concern about antisemitic attacks on Jewish Community Centers all over America in recent weeks, and instead talked about how he was the least antisemitic person there was.

Trump also said he was the least racist of anyone, and also asserted that he had the greatest electoral vote victory since Ronald Reagan, which is not true, but he said he had been told that, which showed how ignorant and lacking in curiosity he is to investigate issues on his own.

We have never had a President like this, not even Richard Nixon, and we are in a constitutional crisis, with him attacking the intelligence agencies, the news media, the foreign policy establishment, and anyone else who dares to challenge him on any issue.

My article on HNN yesterday that said Trump would not last more time in office than, at the most, between James A Garfield and Zachary Taylor in duration (6 and a half to 16 months), has taken off on HNN, and I was interviewed on CTV News Channel in Toronto for five minutes at 905 pm tonight, and will share that link when and if I am able to obtain it.