George Floyd Murder

Half Of Nightmarish 2020 Completed, With Half To Occur: What Is Next?

Half of the year 2020 is gone, and it has been an horrific six months:

The impeachment trail of Donald Trump, where his Republican Party refused to recognize the danger he presents, and his being in office since early February has been a series of disasters.

The outbreak of the Corona Virus Pandemic, with Trump not taking it seriously from Day One onward.

The economic collapse, which has caused the second Great Depression, but affecting a population three times larger, and no ending to be seen, with so much more desperation, homelessness, and hunger as the result.

The racial discord which has developed over the George Floyd murder by police in Minneapolis, and Trump inciting more racial animosity.

The refusal of Trump to protect Americans in combat, and labeling the bounty paid by the Russians to Taliban fighters to kill Americans in Afghanistan, as a hoax.

Five nightmares and four months to Election Day, 125 days from today, and then 78 days to Inauguration Day!

Will America survive intact over the next 203 days is the issue, extremely worrisome!

The health, safety, and lives of Americans is at stake!

George Floyd Murder, And Trump Promoting Violence Against Peaceful Demonstrators A Turning Point In Upcoming Election

The feeling is developing that the George Floyd Murder by police in Minneapolis, and Donald Trump promoting violence against peaceful demonstrators in Washington DC, in reaction to that horrendous crime, is not just a passing event that will be forgotten by voters in November.

Never has an ordinary citizen, in his tragic death, gained so much public attention, and commitment to promote change, as is the case with George Floyd.

With all that has happened in the past three and a half years related to Donald Trump, this seems like the “last straw”, and that Trump knows it, so is going nuts in his Twitter feed and in his outrage at all of the attacks by former military leaders, religious leaders, and many other public figures to his criminal actions.

The concern is that Trump could go bonkers even worse than he has, and it could undermine our foreign policy and domestic policy as he strikes out against his “enemies”.

We are in the last seven and a half months of the Trump term, and it could be the most dangerous, not only in the five months to the election, but also the two and a half months to the inauguration.

Joe Biden Further Ahead In Polls For Early June Than Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, And John Kerry Were In Last Four Election Cycles

We have all learned from history that public opinion polls are not always accurate, but it is impressive, at least for now, that Joe Biden is ahead of Donald Trump in all public opinion polls in early June, further ahead of Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton in 2016, Barack Obama in 2012 and 2008, and John Kerry in 2004 against their opponents.

It is clearly not a reason for those who support Joe Biden to become cocky, and even lazy about campaigning for him, and for encouraging others to vote in November.

But considering the first five months of 2020, with the impeachment trial; the CoronaVirust Pandemic; the collapse of the economy to depression levels; and the Trump decision to fire tear gas, pepper spray, and have two helicopters threaten peaceful demonstrators in Washington, DC, who were protesting the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, one has to believe that the polls likely are accurate against Donald Trump.

Right Wing Extremists Taking Advantage And Provoking Violence In Protests About George Floyd Murder Nationally

The last few days have seen mostly right wing extremists taking advantage and provoking violence in otherwise justifiable protests against the George Floyd Murder by police in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

And Donald Trump is trying to claim falsely that it is extremist left wing groups, the so called Antifa group, which is responsible for the violence against journalists and the destruction of property.

Donald Trump is trying to exploit the situation, and his Attorney General, William Barr, is an eager collaborator.

It is essential that the leadership of the nation change in November, or else, we are moving toward a civil war, with all of the firearms out there, as many as the population of the country!