Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde

Jon Huntsman Needs To Resign As Ambassador To Russia, And Consider A Presidential Challenge In The GOP Primaries In 2020

The US Ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman, has been urged by his hometown newspaper in Utah to resign, after the disastrous performance of Donald Trump at the summit with Vladimir Putin on Monday in Helsinki, Finland, and not made any better by Trump’s claim that he misspoke one word, meaning “wouldn’t” instead of “would”.

Disillusionment with Trump, and concern that he is “owned” by Putin, who has some deep, dark, scandalous secret about Trump, is spreading, and as this author and blogger stated last week, we could be witnessing a “Manchurian Candidate” situation, as well as possibly a “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” and a Multiple Personality Disorder President, with the danger of his access to nuclear weapons.

Huntsman, who this author and blogger believed was the best Republican Presidential contender in 2012, and even better than John Kasich, believed to be the best 2016 Republican Presidential contender, has seen his daughter Abby, who is on Fox News Channel, condemning Trump’s press conference in Helsinki, Finland.

It is believed that Huntsman is unhappy over the circumstances, and it would be a badge of honor for him to resign now, and consider a Presidential challenge to Donald Trump and or Mike Pence in the 2020 Primaries.

While this author and blogger is not a fan of Republicans in general, the one way possible to revive the image of the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush, would be if we were to see a ticket of Huntsman and John Kasich, or possibly the opposite.

I would not vote for such a ticket, but IF we were to be “stuck” with another four years of Republicans in the White House, far preferable to have Huntsman-Kasich or Kasich-Huntsman than Trump-Pence or Pence and whoever else!

Donald Trump: A Classic Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, OR Multiple Personality Disorder, And Dangerous To America And The World

Donald Trump has totally disrupted international affairs this week, first insulting NATO and now Great Britain by his erratic, unstable behavior,

He has uttered outrageous assertions, insulting all nations in NATO and the European Union, but particularly Germany and Angela Merkel, and now undermined the stability of the British government under Theresa May.

His goal is to upend European stability, and to cozy up to Vladimir Putin of Russia and other authoritarian dictatorships around the world.

He makes statements with his own recorded voice, and then says he did not say what he said hours earlier, claiming “fake news”.

How long can Trump supporters continue to support such a massive liar and unstable leader, who clearly has major mental problems?

It is now clear that Donald Trump is a classic case of Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, and that makes him extremely dangerous.

He also could have “Multiple Personality Disorder”, which is bad enough, but in a leader with access to nuclear weapons, he is a person who could bring about the destruction of the American democratic system and provoke World War III.

By attacking America’s long term allies around the world, Donald Trump puts America in danger of having no allies in a time of danger and instability in the world.

His own cabinet members contradict him right after he makes statements, and even his own Republican party backed NATO in a non binding Congressional joint resolution in both houses of Congress, but it seems all for naught.

Every day that Trump remains in office, the nation is in danger, and yet his potential successor, Vice President Mike Pence, represents a series of different problems and controversies that might, believe it or not, be worse than Donald Trump.

So we are faced with a continuing nightmare with no end anytime soon.

Newt Gingrich: The Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Of American Politics

Newt Gingrich displayed intelligence, thought, and some good ideas in last night’s Republican National Security Debate on CNN, and over the years, he has been judged as being an “ideas” man who made some major contributions to our intellectual and political discourse. He showed real common sense and compassion about illegal immigrants who have been here for many years and contributed positively to America, a view which will anger many Tea Party conservatives, and probably kill his chances for the GOP Presidential nomination.

But just the few days before the debate, Gingrich displayed the mean, nasty, ugly, divisive side of his personality–suggesting child labor return, and telling Americans involved in the “Occupy Wall Street” Movement to take a bath and get a job, rather than protest the unfairness of our economic and political system.

Gingrich has also been particularly nasty and disrespectful toward President Obama, adopting the “Birther” ideas for a long time, and generally, saying wild, reckless things about many issues surrounding the President.

And of course, his ethics in government when Speaker of the House of Representatives, and his scandalous private life, with three marriages and two divorces, and multiple examples of adultery, also make him look positively evil to many observers.

What seems apparent is that Newt Gingrich has multiple sides to his personality, which makes it easy to compare him to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

The question is IF somehow Gingrich became President, what kind of behavior and personality traits would show up on a daily basis. The fear is that he would be dangerous in office, because his behavior would be so unpredictable!