
An Emotional Day, As Joe Biden And Kamala Harris Win The Election, And Give Historic Speeches!

Saturday, November 7, 2020, has been an extremely emotional day, as the nation and the world witnessed the victory of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the Presidential Election of 2020, after four long days of vote counting.

It was followed by historic speeches by the future President and Vice President of the United States, restoring our hope, and giving us inspiration for the future, that the nightmare of Donald Trump will, to a great extent, be overcome by executive orders initiated by President Biden on January 20 and in future days and weeks on so many issues, both in domestic and foreign policy.

The return of sanity, decency, morals, ethics, compassion, and of character, with these two wonderful public servants, revives the greatness of past leaders who came to the rescue in times of crisis, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are on the road to joining the annals of American leaders who work toward making “a more perfect Union”!

It is nice after four years of gloom and doom, and of horrors and stresses, that finally, we are being liberated, with the first step being the formation on Monday of a committee of doctors and scientists by President Elect Biden to come up with plans to resolve the crisis over the COVID 19 Pandemic, which is escalating to an all time high of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths!

Rapidly Escalating Tea Party Rhetoric Endangering President Obama And Civil Order!

For any sane person in America, the rapidly escalating Tea Party rhetoric that is developing on Capitol Hill, on right wing talk radio, in religious right wing rants, on conservative think tanks, and on Fox News Channel, is endangering the life of President Obama, and creating the threat of the breakdown of civil order!

There seems to be no limit to what utterances and threats are being issued, and the growing chant for impeachment of the President, which would under no circumstances lead to removal from the Presidency, but would disrupt American government and economic progress and foreign policy formulation, is an alarm bell ringing during the wee hours of the morning, giving one a sense of foreboding not seen since the time of the Civil War, and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, whose 205th birthday we celebrate today.

The responsible Republican leadership in Congress seems, FINALLY, to realize the danger created by the anarchistic, fascistic Tea Party Movement, which is setting out to destroy the party of Lincoln, TR, and Ike, in their mad dash to take us back in every way possible to the 19th century, including talk of secession and states rights and racism and the use of violence to accomplish their goals!

This is a national emergency for survival of our democracy and system of equal justice for all, and everyone who has any common sense and sanity and decency, whether they agree or disagree with the administration in office, MUST speak up for calm and for eliminating the threat to our President, and to civil order for now and the long term future.

And some praying for divine guidance, whether religious or not, is appropriate here, hoping that we can return to a time of respect for our government, and acceptance of the reality that we are all in this together, the return of civil order and the ending of conflict that endangers the American future!