Mass Pardons To Insurrectionists By Donald Trump

Inauguration Day: A Day Of A Right Wing Extremism Revolution Crisis!

Inauguration Day has come and gone, and all the worst possible scenarios of what that day would be like, have been accomplished.

America is in the midst of a Right Wing Extremism Revolution, totally mean spirited, and vengeful.

Donald Trump did not hold back in his open criticism of Joe Biden, right in front of the outgoing President.

He moved to promote a vast number of executive orders, and made clear his repudation of a climate crisis, and his aggressive attitude toward Panama, indicating a likely forced retaking of the control of the Panama Canal.

He also gave pardons or commutations to all of the January 6 Insurrectionists, a travesty of justice, and a clear signal to those lawbreakers that they can commit future crimes with impunity, as long as they do so in the name of Donald Trump!

He also showed his plan to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America via Presidential edict, although that would not be legal, and to bring back the old name of Mount McKinley in Alaska, which had been renamed Denali after a native American tribe.

This also marks the new admiration of President William McKinley, based on his promotion of high protective tariffs in the Gilded Age, and his promotion of expansionism, including the Spanish American War and the takeover of the Hawaiian Islands during his administration from 1897-1901.

It will take many days, if not weeks, to fully absorb what Donald Trump is doing to revolutionize America and take away basic American democracy.

But those who care about democracy must not give up the fight, and be in despair, as instead, it needs to be looked at as a crisis similar to the Civil War, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, the Great Recession, and the Covid 19 Pandemic, each of which was overcome by strong, principled leadership by various Presidents and Congresses!

Mass Pardons To January 6 Insurrectionists, And Potential Prosecution Of January 6 House Committee Members Beyond The Pale!

Donald Trump’s declaration that he will give mass pardons to January 6 Insurrectionists at the US Capitol; and his promotion of the prosecution of all of the January 6 House Committee members who investigated and exposed the whole story of that tragic day, is beyond the pale!

It will insure that Donald Trump, already in the bottom five, and in many cases, dead last, in assessments of Presidents by historians, political scientists, and others, will remain solidly last in the rankings of Presidents!

It will stain him for all time with being the most corrupt, most abusive of the rule of law and the Constitution, of any President, and far more than even Richard Nixon.

It will undermine American democracy as we come up to the 250th anniversary of the American Republic!

A poll was taken about giving pardons to the insurrrectionists, and by vast margins, college educated, Democrats, African Americans, Latinos, urban, and young voters are opposed.

It will be a very obscene day when Trump shows that he has no respect for the loss of life and limb, and destruction of property, that occurred on January 6, 2021, one of the darkest days in American history, alongside December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001!