Haley Barbour

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, White Citizens Councils, And The Presidency: A Strikeout! :(

Mississippi’s Republican Governor, Haley Barbour, who also in the past was Chairman of the Republican National Committee and the head of the Republican Governors Conference, has come out in defense of the White Citizens Councils that were prevalent during the 1950s and 1960s, formed to oppose integration and civil rights in the Southern states.

Barbour has every right to speak freely, but advocating support of such groups which promoted hate and bloodshed in the Southern states, and reaching its greatest level in Mississippi in the 1960s, is a reprehensible act, and should immediately disqualify Barbour as a serious Presidential candidate for the GOP in 2012 or beyond! ๐Ÿ™

There is no room in this nation in the 21st century to have an advocate of such views being the spokesman for the country on issues such as civil rights and human rights, when he has no issue with such hateful, divisive groups, who worked against the federal government and the Supreme Court on the most significant social issue of the second half of the 20th century, and advocated closing of public schools.

So, Governor Barbour, forget about running for President, as your potential candidacy would be a total disaster for the party of the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln.

But then again, is it not true that the Republican Party of today is a shameful example of the principles of Abraham Lincoln? Sad, but absolutely true! ๐Ÿ™

Is A Republican “Dark Horse” To Emerge In 2012 Presidential Race?

“Dark Horses”, candidates who are not thought of seriously and come from behind to win or be major factors in a political race, are a part of America’s political culture!

We have had several “dark horse” Presidential nominees of a major party, and four have become President, all Democrats–James K. Polk in 1844, Franklin Pierce in 1852, Woodrow Wilson in 1912, and Jimmy Carter in 1976!

Wendell Willkie, the 1940 GOP nominee for President, was also a “dark horse”, but lost the race to Franklin D. Roosevelt.

However, we had “dark horses” who excited the races in both parties in the past two presidential election cycles before flopping–Howard Dean in 2004 for the Democrats, and Mike Huckabee in 2008 for the Republicans!

So therefore, there are a few potential candidates for “dark horse” for the GOP for 2012! The candidates being talked about are primarily Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, and Haley Barbour.

But the names to watch for 2012 might include:

Congressman Mike Pence of Indiana, who has charisma, good looks, strong conservative and Tea Party credentials, and has had a leadership position in the House as Conference Chairman of the GOP.

Senator elect Marco Rubio of Florida, who is often called the Cuban Barack Obama in reverse, and is young, charismatic, good looking, has fervent support from conservatives and Tea Party people, and represents the largest state in population of any GOP potential candidate who is seen as a possible nominee.

Senator John Thune of South Dakota, who is charismatic, handsome, strong conservative, seen as best bet for any Senator seen as a possibility in a primarily competition among Governors and former Governors.

Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts, who is handsome, charismatic, and started the victory wave against the Democrats when he won the Senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy, but will have trouble being elected for a full term in Democratic dominated Massachusetts, so might run for President instead, although probably too moderate for the Republican base.

Could any of these four seriously become the Presidential nominee? Well, we have only had one Congressman go directly to the White House (James Garfield), and he was assassinated after only a few months in the Presidency! Both Rubio and Brown will have had very brief experience on the national level by 2012, similar however to Barack Obama!

Thune will have had eight years in the Senate, along with six previous years in the House of Representatives, so will be, by far, the most experienced nationally of any of these “dark horse” possibilities by 2012!

If one had to prognosticate who among these might have the best chance to emerge, were they to run, the best bet is that it would be John Thune, so it will be interesting to watch and see what happens to this group of potential candidates! Stay tuned! ๐Ÿ™‚

The Potential Candidacy Of Sarah Palin: Ignorance And Mediocrity Personified! :(

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has told Barbara Walters that she is seriously considering a Presidential run! ๐Ÿ™

Sarah Palin is seriously delusional to believe she has the talents, abilities, knowledge, and insights required to be a President in the 21st century! ๐Ÿ™

It might have been alright to have mediocrity in the White House in the 19th century, and even the early 20th century, but since the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the years of the Great Depression, and the constantly complex world we live in since World War II and the Cold War, it is no longer conceivable to have a President who is not only mediocre, but ignorant!

Sarah Palin does not have a clue as to the complexities of the modern world! She knows absolutely nothing about foreign affairs or domestic affairs! She is a very ordinary, mediocre, ignorant American, which is fine, as everyone cannot be intelligent, educated, and knowledgeable!

It is perfectly alright to be an average American or average human being, but the Presidency demands much more than that!

Would we want just anyone to be a surgeon, an attorney, a college professor, an engineer, an accountant, or a dentist? The answer is NO, as we want the best in these professions!

Well, being President of the United States also requires that we get the best, at least someone who is educated, intelligent, and knows or has the interest in knowing what candidates for the Presidency need to be aware of–public affairs, economics, foreign policy–and has compassion for the less fortunate among us, not only those who have power and wealth, often by ill gotten methods!

It is not just the so called “liberal elite” who think that Sarah Palin’s potential candidacy for President is a mockery!

It includes Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, who pointed out that Palin has no great interest in governing, as she quit the Governorship of Alaska after only a little more than half her term, and also lacks intellectual curiosity!

It also includes former Bush adviser Karl Rove, who said hosting a Learning Channel reality series does not make people think that Sarah is qualified for President!

Former First Lady Barbara Bush told Larry King this weekend that Sarah Palin is a beautiful lady who likes living in Alaska, and should stay there! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sarah’s potential opponents have remained silent in public, but it is clear that they are appalled at her thought of running, as they know she will be a difficult candidate to handle, being backed by the ignorant masses that love the Tea Party movement! They see her as a danger to the Republican Party future, and as a total disaster were she to run against Barack Obama! But they also recognize it will be hard to campaign against her in the primaries and caucuses, and that she could win the Iowa caucuses and South Carolina primary in 2012, and therefore have “momentum”, making her hard to stop!

There is no doubt that Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, and all other potential nominees see her as a “nightmare”, but realize she is an imposing presence that they will have to, somehow, deal with if she decides to run!

The point is that all of the potential candidates, no matter how objectionable they might be to many observers, all have credentials, experience and intelligence to be potential Presidents of the United States!

Sarah Palin does NOT have these credentials, and she would do a lot of good for the country if she were to realize that she is hallucinating, as she is NOT qualified to be President of the United States. and her triumph would be a serious blow to American prestige and security in the world, and a sign that the American nation has been “dumbed down” to the most common denominator–the ignorant masses who pride themselves on NOT knowing public affairs, and have no clue as to what is good for this nation’s future! ๐Ÿ™

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour’s View Of Sarah Palin

What an hysterically funny moment on Chris Matthews’ HARDBALL, when Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, head of the Republican Governors Conference, and former Republican National Chairman, was asked if Sarah Palin is qualified to be President.

He hemmed and hawed FOUR times, and said there was nothing constitutionally that disqualified her! He seemed very hesitant and uncomfortable being asked the question. It was extremely funny to watch this moment of truth coming out! ๐Ÿ™‚

Haley Barbour is a smart gentleman, and he KNOWS in his heart that Sarah Palin is a total joke, a monster created by the bad judgment of John McCain, and it is obvious, although he will not say so and is a gentleman, that John McCain also KNOWS that Sarah is a nightmare, who has no appreciation of what the Arizona senator did for her, and shows lack of gratefulness by her bitter attack on McCain’s staff for having the “gall” to try to control an inept, moronic woman who was then and is still a “prima donna” who needs her ego stroked, because she in her heart knows just how inadequate and incompetent she is.

When will the American people realize she is a disaster area? Hopefully, before we are stupid enough to elect her leader of the free world and give her control over nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons!