Equity And Fairness

Joe Biden Planning Massive Support For Middle Class And Working Class At Expense Of Wealthy: Long Overdue!

President Joe Biden is planning a massive commitment of support for the struggling middle and working class, which have been overlooked much too often by Republican Presidents since Ronald Reagan.

Massive tax cuts under Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump have made the wealthy ever more obscenely wealthy, and it is time for them to show “patriotism” and give back some of their massive increase in wealth, which would actually have very little effect on their “bottom line”, as taking some wealth will not prevent the gaining of new wealth, as the rich never end up in financial difficulties.

But they owe their success to unfair advantages over the past 40 years, and it is time for paying up for the massive infusion of wealth by paying a small percentage of their wealth to support equity and fairness to the heart of the economy—-the middle and working class Americans who have done without much or any improvement in their economic status since 1981!

The sudden massive increase in wealth by the super wealthy in the past year of COVID 19 makes clear the need for taxing these multi billionaires, and it should not be opposed by any of them who have a decent bone in their bodies, and if they do not, tough, and time for paying up!