Cynthia Lummis Of Wyoming

Outrageous Racism By Eleven Republican Senators On Joint Chiefs Of Staff Nominee!

Alabama Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville has, single handedly, blocked promotions and confirmations of 300 military personnel for seven months, due to his opposition to the allowance for military families to travel to states that permit abortions.

Tuberville has undermined national security, and embarrassed us before our international allies, as well as our enemies.

Finally, however, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has been able to force a vote on the top three people coming up for promotion and elevation in rank to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

But, interestingly, the new Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Charles Q. Brown, Jr had 11 Republican Senators vote against him, while two other appointees, Randy A. George and Eric M. Smith, were confirmed with 96-1 and 96-0 votes respectively.

So the question is why was the vote 83-11 for Brown? And the answer clearly is that Brown is African American, the second person of that race to be Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, following General Colin Powell, while George and Smith are both white!

What an outrage, and who are these eleven despicable and racist Senators? 🙁

Tommy Tuberville of Alabama
Ted Cruz of Texas
Josh Hawley of Missouri
Ron Johnson of Wisconsin
Marco Rubio of Florida
Mike Lee of Utah
Roger Marshall of Kansas
Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming
Eric Schmitt of Missouri
Mike Braun of Indiana
JD Vance of Ohio

All but Mike Lee voted yes on George and all eleven voted for George.

So the only conclusion is PURE RACISM, including by Cuban American Republican Senators Cruz and Rubio!

All eleven of these Republican Senators need to be called out, and exposed and condemned, and every attempt at kicking them out of the Senate when they come up for reelection is essential, as their behavior is totally reprehensible! 🙁

The 118th Congress Election Deniers: 19 Senators And 154 House Members!

Shocking beyond belief: 19 US Senators and 154 House of Representatives members in the upcoming 118th Congress (2023-2025) are Election Deniers, in regards to the Presidential Election of 2020!

154 Congressmen and women, out of 222 Republicans, so 67 percent of the House Republican caucus!

19 Senators, men and women, out of 49 Republicans, so 40 percent of the Senate Republican caucus!

Among the Senators are:

Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee)
Ted Cruz (Texas)
Bill Hagerty (Tennessee)
Josh Hawley (Missouri)
Ron Johnson (Wisconsin)
John Kennedy (Louisiana)
James Lankford (Oklahoma)
Cynthia Lummis (Wyoming)
Rick Scott (Florida)
Tommy Tuberville (Alabama)

and five newly elected Senators:

Ted Budd (North Carolina)
Katie Britt (Alabama)
Markwayne Mullin (Oklahoma)
Eric Schmitt (Missouri)
J D Vance (Ohio)

So the states of Tennessee, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Alabama have both of their US Senators as Election Deniers!

What a total disgrace!

Time For 8 Republican Senators Who Refused To Support Electoral Vote Count To Be Expelled Under The 14th Amendment, Section 3!

As the investigation and hearings on the January 6, 2021 Insurrection continue, it is time for the 8 Republican Senators who refused to support the Electoral Vote count, to be held accountable, and be brought up on charges of sedition, as they encouraged the mob, and refused to change their mind after the attempted coup d’etat ended later on January 6, going into January 7, 2021!

These eight Senators, encouraging sedition and insurrection by their defiance, should be expelled from Congress at the least, under the 14th Amendment, Section 3!

Ted Cruz of Texas
Josh Hawley of Missouri
Cindy Hyde-Smith of Mississippi
John Kennedy of Louisiana
Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming
Roger Marshall of Kansas
Rick Scott of Florida
Tommy Tuberville of Alabama

Republicans Are Now The Party Of Anarchy And Support Of Domestic Terrorism: Mind Boggling!

The Republican Party has now become the party of anarchy and chaos, and support of domestic terrorism, absolutely mind boggling!

Not only did much of the party in Congress support denying Joe Biden his Electoral College win!

Many have chosen to ignore the reality of the January 6 Insurrection, a domestic terrorism that caused death, injuries, and destruction at the US Capitol, and just want to move on!

And now, eight Republican Senators have opposed putting mask opponents on a “no fly list”, who have committed the equivalent of domestic terrorism against airline employees and passengers innumerable times on domestic and foreign flights!

Such unruly passengers on aviation flights should face arrest and imprisonment, but more than that!

They should be barred from EVER again being able to use any airline for any flights anywhere!

But these eight Republican Senators—Rick Scott and Marco Rubio of Florida; Mike Lee of Utah; Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming; Ted Cruz of Texas; Kevin Cramer of North Dakota; James Lankford of Oklahoma; and John Hoeven of North Dakota, think otherwise, which is astounding beyond belief!

This is recklessness and lack of concern for public safety beyond the pale!