Day: May 15, 2022

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul Delays Authorizing Military Aid To Ukraine Against Russian War Crimes!

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul has been a nightmare and embarrassment to the US Senate since he was elected in 2010.

He has followed the so called “Libertarian” mentality that his father, former Texas Congressman Ron Paul, pursued during his years in Congress, a total of 12 terms.

He has been a critic of any federal actions on the COVID 19 Pandemic, and now is holding up much needed military aid of $40 billion to Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian Federation and its horrendous war crimes!

It is clear that Rand Paul has no soul, no ethics, no morality, no decency, no compassion, and he is an embarrassment to the US Senate, one of its worst members!

He sought the Presidency in 2016, and came across as an embarrassment to his home state of Kentucky.

He was elected in the time of the Tea Party Movement, and has always been outrageous in his utterances and actions, including refusal to accept the results of the Presidential Election of 2020, promoting the “Big Lie” that Donald Trump won and Joe Biden lost that election!

He faces reelection in November, and it is hoped that his Democratic opponent, Charles Booker, will be able to defeat him, although the odds are against it!