Day: December 3, 2021

Republican Party Claims To Be Party Of Life, While It Is Instead Party Of Death!

The Republican Party has, clearly, become the Party of Death, as they show no concern about the COVID 19 Pandemic, and the need to promote masking and vaccination, as more than 750,000 Americans have died from the virus!

The Republican Party also worships guns, and has worked against any kind of gun regulations, despite mass murders going on in schools, churches and synagogues, entertainment events, shopping centers, colleges and universities,and all other public venues.

Additionally, suicides have become endemic, with no concern about people with mental instability, and even children, having access to firearms, including AK 47s and AR 15s!

Also, the Republican Party has no concern about the poverty and deprivation of people who are not wealthy, and particularly so with racial and religious minorities, so we have single mothers who cannot provide adequately for their children!

Republicans also have always been against providing health care to those less fortunate, which demonstrates they do not value life! As a group, they have opposed Medicare and the Affordable Care Act!

Their only interest in “life” is that every fetus must be born, even if the pregnant woman was raped, or a victim of incest, and there is no concern about the dangers to the life of the mother!

And of course, Republicans love the death penalty, even though it is often misused, and particularly against males of color on a much higher scale than whites!

And Republicans love to support wars, as long as it is primarily the poor and minorities who are “cannon fodder” for the “war machines”, and very few of them or their offspring ever serving in the military!