Tomorrow is the 76th Anniversary of D-Day, the invasion of France in 1944, as the beginning of the final defeat of Fascism, as represented by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and to a lesser extent, Benito Mussolini, who had lost control of Fascist Italy in 1943, but was under Hitler’s protection.
We commemorate the sacrifice of Americans, Canadians and British on that day, often called “The Longest Day”.
Now, there are only a small percentage alive who invaded on that morning three quarters of a century ago plus one, as they are all in their 90s or are centenarians.
Part of the honor of celebrating D-Day is to fight the new Fascism, that of President Donald Trump, on display this week in Washington, DC, and his threat of the use of force in the states, with the US military being unleashed upon the American people and their right to demonstrate for redress of grievances.
The use of tear gas, pepper spray, and a low lying helicopter, and the President holding a Bible at the Episcopal Church next to the White House after the routing of the demonstrators, is a sickening image, that has made many former military leaders condemn Trump for his words and actions.
This is the biggest constitutional crisis since the Civil War, and yet we have reluctance of Republicans to speak up and resist, and we have Trump having praised foreign dictators and autocrats, including the leaders of Russia, China, North Korea and other nations.
There is no more significant event that will occur in 2020, than the quest to remove Donald Trump from office, as our constitutional system is in danger, and we cannot afford a second term of Donald Trump, who instead, belongs in federal prison for his crimes in office!
CNN is having a Sesame Street town hall this morning for kids to talk about racism.
Trump Thought Brutalizing Protesters Would Save Him. He Was Wrong.
His gamble on creating a militarized culture war has done the opposite of what he hoped for.