Day: April 19, 2020

Biden Leads Most United Party Since 2012, And Gains Republicans And Conservatives Who See Trump As Existential Threat To Nation And World

Former Vice President Joe Biden is now, officially, the Democratic Presidential nominee, with the announced withdrawal of Bernie Sanders.

But Trump supporters and far left whackos are attacking him as having mental issues that make him incompetent to be President.

Has anyone paid attention lately to the mental incompetence of Donald Trump?

Yes, Joe Biden has some lapses at times, but he is backed up by a wife who has a brain and commitment, unlike Melania Trump!

He will do just fine in the Oval Office, by having top advisers who have principles and beliefs that are far different than the crooked, corrupt, incompetent people around Donald Trump.

He will have a top notch Vice Presidential running mate, who if necessity requires it, will be fully competent and qualified to take over the Presidency, much more so than religious extremist and right winger Mike Pence!

No one expects perfection, but Joe Biden leads a united Democratic Party, more than it has been since 2012, and many Republicans and conservatives, including those in the Lincoln Project, are fully backing him, as will many Independents.

Donald Trump is clearly seen as an existential threat to the nation and the world, and the thought that he might win a second term is horrifying!