Trump And Right Wing Media Put Economy Above Lives

It is clear that Donald Trump and the right wing media (Conservative Talk Radio and Fox News Channel) are ready to put the economy above lives of elderly people and even those of all ages.

Ignoring science and the reality of the CoronaVirus pandemic raging worldwide, the mood is to “get back to business” and have people interact rather than isolate themselves at home.

Certainly, the collapse of the stock market, almost 40 percent in a month, and millions of people going jobless, is a very disturbing development.

But to stand by and encourage social interaction that will likely kill millions of Americans is simply suicidal behavior!

For the conservative movement and the Republican Party to back Donald Trump in worrying more about the economy than life itself is beyond reasoning, particularly for an ideological movement and a party so hellbent on ending abortion.

The Republican Party and conservatism may be remembered in the long run for their lack of concern for people’s health, and willingness to sacrifice the elderly.

That is a horrific condemnation of the party of Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt!

9 comments on “Trump And Right Wing Media Put Economy Above Lives

  1. Former Republican March 23, 2020 10:14 pm

    The governors are the ones making the right decisions.

  2. Pragmatic Progressive March 23, 2020 10:29 pm

    I think most people are watching Cuomo’s briefings for the truth and ignoring the liar-in-chief’s.

  3. Rustbelt Democrat March 23, 2020 10:42 pm

    We need to wise up and wake up to what is happening in Hong Kong. They let their guard down too soon and the cases have increased again.

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