It is time for all Americans to reckon with reality!
America, and really the entire world, is immersed in the greatest crisis since World War II!
Since there are very few Americans or human beings who can recall in detail what World War II did to the world, this is for almost all people a unique situation.
What we need now in America is a Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, but instead, we have Donald Trump and “Make America Great Again!”
How America and the world at large will deal with this, short term and long term, is still unsettled.
At the least, all of us need to recognize sacrifices will be necessary, and the basic one to start with is to stay home, hunker down, as we try to flatten the curve of the ultimate rise in Covid-19 cases!
All 50 states now have the virus.
Just a very minor historical note, Doctor: FDR and his New Deal did not end The Great Depression. World War II ended the Great Depression.
And given the virtual total lockdown of the American and global economy [and the increase in population, urbanization, and globalization], i would say that a very good argument could be made for declaring that this is not merely the greatest crisis since WW II, but the greatest crisis Human Civilization has ever faced.
Does anybody have even a single clue as to how the US government plans to pay for all these bailouts, stimulus programs, $1000 checks, and so forth?
Other than the Federal Reserve creating more credit, the Treasury printing up more, and more, and more Continentals/Greenbacks/Federal Reserve Notes, and billowing up the $23.4 trillion national, sovereign Debt ballooning even further?
Do the words “hyperinflation” and Weimar Germany ring a bell?
Scientists warn we may need to live with social distancing for a year or more.
People who are going to be out of work due to this crisis need help financially. It’s imperative for our government to help them.
The troll shows that he has no empathy for people who will be suffering through this crisis.
That doesn’t answer the question: How is the government going to actually pay for all this?
Death toll is now over 100 and growing. Known cases is now over 6000 and growing.
This is not a mater of “empathy,” FR.
This is a simple, straight-forward, direct, and obviously very uncomfortable question involving real world money, real world government finances, and real world hyprinflations.
Exactly, Former Republican!
DeBlasio talking on MSNBC. He says we’re possibly going to have a new Great Depression, with soup lines, etc. again.
Soup Lines when everybody is ordered to a “shelter in place” lockdown will be quite a feat, wouldn’t You agree?
He’s talking about the economic impact, dumb dumb. Millions of Americans are going to be out of jobs. You’re obviously against it, but, we’re going to need something like the New Deal to help them.
The troll is exactly like the Republicans who don’t want paid sick leave for workers.
i know exactly what he’s talking about. Do You? [Do You call everybody who disagrees with You “dumb, dumb”; or just certain special cases?]
And again: How do Y’All plan to pay for all this? Or do we just put it On The Tab of the next Generations some mythical, magical place down Your Yellow Brick Road?
Well, let’s just hope Y’All’s New New Deal works better than the last one; and doesn’t end up getting cured by another War.
That’s about the only thing the Republicans are against when it comes to spending phantom/fantasy money on this thing.
How many Democrats are prepared to force a cut in Defense, Intelligence, or Surveillance/Security budgets?
Or bailouts to the fossil fuel industry, now that Oil has tanked?
Jeffrey, do NOT lecture me about the New Deal, which I did my first book on, on PROGRESSIVE Republican Senators and the New Deal! imagine PROGRESSIVE Republicans, when that party had a sane element, unlike today!
I well know that the New Deal did NOT end the Great Depression, but it lowered the unemployment rate dramatically, and only had a setback in that direction when FDR listened to the right wing at the time, and cut government spending, and we had a recession within the Depression in 1937-1938.
But the New Deal saved capitalism, saved democracy, gave people hope and faith and confidence in the future, as they knew their President really cared about them, not like selfish, greedy, corrupt Donald Trump and his band of crooks and thieves!
Of course, Trumpites love to blame Barack Obama for everything imaginable, but remember Obama had a greater economic recovery from the Great Recession–unemployment down from 10 to 4.7 percent, and stock market up 250 percent—than FDR was able to accomplish in his time in office!
The point is not that the New Deal solved the Depression, but had Herbert Hoover or some other conservative Republican at the time been in office, there would have been violent revolution and a sense of hopelessness, instead of US Government actions, that created a lot of public works jobs and projects, and set up a safety net of labor reforms and social welfare, including Social Security, unemployment compensation, wages and hours laws, protection of widows, orphans, and the disabled.
Certainly not enough, but more than moronic Ron Paul and his despicable son Rand Paul, so called libertarians, would wish to do today!
Rand Paul should be summarily removed from office as an enemy of the American people, not giving a damn about their welfare and security! A true lunatic, who needs to be censured by his own Senate colleagues with his crazy, dangerous attitude that millions of moronic libertarians believe!
So I gather you would follow Rand Paul’s lead, or am I misjudging you, Jeffrey? 🙁
The troll’s hero is Rand “Scrooge”. Rand “Scrooge” is holding up the Senate vote on the COVID-19 bill.
Rand “Scrooge” is showing why I despise him and pray to God that he gets beaten when it comes time for his re-election.
First of all: i am still waiting for You, or one of Your Acolytes, or anybody in Swampland, among the MSM’s talking heads, or any other “experts” to answer my Question: “Does anybody have even a single clue as to how the US government plans to pay for all these bailouts, stimulus programs, $1000 checks, and so forth? Other than the Federal Reserve creating more credit, the Treasury printing up more, and more, and more Continentals/Greenbacks/Federal Reserve Notes, and billowing up the $23.4 trillion national, sovereign Debt even further?
“Do the words “hyperinflation†and Weimar Germany ring a bell?”
Second of all: You wrote:
“Jeffrey, do NOT lecture me about the New Deal, which I did my first book on, on PROGRESSIVE Republican Senators and the New Deal! imagine PROGRESSIVE Republicans, when that party had a sane element, unlike today!”
I’ll tell You what, Dr Feinman: If You don’t presume to lecture me about The New Deal, I won’t presume to lecture You. You may have written THE book on Progressive Western Republicans and The New Deal forty years ago; but in that time, I’ve done a bit of reading, studying, learning, and researching on that whole episode of American political and economic history, as well.
I first got interested in all that back in the 70s when that thing that all the Keynesians had assured us was absolutely impossible ~ “stagflation”; runaway inflation in the midst of a severe economic downturn ~ was the only game in town. You remember; stuffing the Gold Standard; Wage and Price Controls, etc, so on, and so forth.
To me, the most significant place to start to look at and understand The Great Depression is to start with the Federal Reserve and its role in the Great Boom of the 20s that resulted as it only could: The Great Bust of the 30s. Did Your book discuss the Fed and what it did and did not do during that period?
“I well know that the New Deal did NOT end the Great Depression, but it lowered the unemployment rate dramatically, and only had a setback in that direction when FDR listened to the right wing at the time, and cut government spending, and we had a recession within the Depression in 1937-1938.”
Well, if You “well know that,” then You are one of the very few liberal, progressive, socialist democrats who will admit that out loud. After all; isn’t the operative mantra these days for the “New [or Green] New Deal”: “If we did it before, we can do it again!!!” ?
And as to that “dramatic” lowering of Unemployment Rates; let’s look at some numbers, shall we? Here are the Unemployment Rates on Dec 31 of each year:
Year Rate
1929 3.2%
1930 8.7%
1931 15.9%
1932 23.6%
1933 24.9%
1934 21.7%
1935 20.1%
1936 16.9%
1937 14.3%
1938 19.0%
1939 17.2%
1940 14.6%
1941 9.9%
1942 4.7%
The UR at the end of FDR’s first year in office [1932] stood at 23.6%. Five years later it was 3 1/2% lower. It then dropped in 1936-37 to what it was in Hoover’s last year [1931], before, because of all them dastardly Right-Wing Republicans it hopped back up 3-5% points. Then, by the time WW II was on in Europe and Asia, it finally fell back to pre-Depression levels with America’s industrial preparation for joining in the festivities.
I suppose it all depends on what Your definition of “dramatic” is, eh?
And what was the Federal Reserve doing in 1937-38, when the “Recession with The Depression” occurred? One indication is the fact that the Inflation Rate dropped almost 6% from 1937 to 1938; just as it dropped significantly between 1929 and 1932.
[Source: by-year-3305506].
“But the New Deal saved capitalism, saved democracy, gave people hope and faith and confidence in the future, as they knew their President really cared about them, not like selfish, greedy, corrupt Donald Trump and his band of crooks and thieves!”
Can You make any statement about anything that doesn’t include Your latest pontification about “greedy, corrupt Trump and his crooks and thieves,” and the like? It really gets old after a while.
And what The New Deal saved was not “capitalism,” but that cozy arrangement between big banks, politicians, bureaucrats, crony capitalists, closet socialists, and the Federal Reserve that everybody likes to call “capitalism.”
Obviously, You have never bothered to find out what Libertarians mean when they speak of “capitalism.” i can assure You that Libertarian Capitalism is not the Welfare/Warfare State that FDR pulled together and then launched on all cylinders to bail him and his owners and operators out of the mess they had gotten themselves into. Exactly like Obama didn’t “save” anything but the exact same folks and that exact same system from another mess they had gotten themselves into in 2008.
And the form of “democracy” that FDR “saved” was exactly what we have today: America’s “$ 1 = I Vote” system of government and governance. The same one Carter, Clinton, and Obama worked for, and Biden works for now; along, of course, with Reagan, Bush the Elder, Cheney/Bush the Lesser, and now Trump. [And would’ve included Clinton had she won in 2016 rather than Trump.]
“Of course, Trumpites love to blame Barack Obama for everything imaginable, but remember Obama had a greater economic recovery….. —than FDR was able to accomplish in his time in office!
See my comment above about Obama and his Miracle Cure. And how long was FDR in office? And how long was he either in a Great Depression or an even greater “Great War” than the last one another great Democrat [with the help of Congress, Wall Street, and the brand new Kid on the Block, The Federal Reserve] got us into?
“The point is not that the New Deal solved the Depression, but had Herbert Hoover or some other conservative Republican at the time been in office, there would have been violent revolution and a sense of hopelessness, instead of US Government actions, ….. protection of widows, orphans, and the disabled.
Your sure about that “violent revolution,” are You?
“Certainly not enough, but more than moronic Ron Paul and his despicable son Rand Paul, so called libertarians, would wish to do today!”
Ahhh yes; more on the “moronic despicables.” I guess they have replaced the “deplorables” as Y’All’s favorite people to hate, eh?
“Rand Paul should be summarily removed from office as an enemy of the American people, not giving a damn about their welfare and security! A true lunatic, who needs to be censured by his own Senate colleagues with his crazy, dangerous attitude that millions of moronic libertarians believe!”
Why not summarily executed by firing squad, while You’re at it? That’s how Stalin or Hitler would have handled him.
“An enemy of The People”?!?!? Damn, Doc; You’re starting to sound like Trump and his comments about the MSM. And if that makes me a “moron”; then what does that make You? Or the people of Kentucky who keep sending him back? Or the people in Texas who kept sending his Father back? Why don’t we just throw all those [us] morons into re-education camps so they[we] can learn what “Truth” really is?
You concluded: “So I gather you would follow Rand Paul’s lead, or am I misjudging you, Jeffrey? ”
At this point, I don’t think You have a clue as to where Rand Paul would like to lead this nation. On that grounds, You are asking a meaningless question, Doc.
Y’All have a great day. ~ jeff
Factual information about the New Deal and how it helped people:
I will NOT answer Jeffrey as he has no aim except to divide, just like the Trumpites!
I suggest that all of the other readers ignore him, and he will not get the pleasure of being noticed, as that is all that he wants!
Thank you, former Republican, for the posting of accurate information on the New Deal, which saved America, and is a model for the future to overcome the CoronaVirus Crisis and the collapse of the economy!