Day: August 7, 2019

Latinos, The Largest Minority In America, Face Threats Reminiscent Of Jews In Europe In The 1930s And 1940s—Total Fear And Danger From Government Inspired Hatred!

In the wake of the El Paso Massacre on August 3, America faces the stark reality, that its largest minority group in America, people of Latino heritage, from anywhere in Latin America, face threats reminiscent of Jews in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.

Total fear and danger from government inspired hatred reminds us too much of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and it is not too much hyperbole to state that Donald Trump has weaponized racists, misogynists, white supremacists, and white nationalists, who used to be in the shadows, to come out and promote and commit violence and bloodshed against people based on their ethnicity.

For Trump and his followers in the Republican Party to argue that there is an “invasion”, a “caravan”, when no such situation exists, is inspiring unstable people to cheer at Trump rallies when someone suggests “shoot them”, and Trump laughs and encourages such action in response.

These Latinos that are threatened include people of brown skin who are here legally, and were born in America, but feel that the nation they have grown up in is a threat to their lives, making victims of the El Paso Massacre afraid to go to the hospital to ask for medical aid.

The oppressive Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Border Patrol, have been given unconstitutional and illegal authority to deport undocumented immigrants without a court hearing and attorney representation by White House authorization, and they are acting much like the Nazi Gestapo.

Many are abusing children and women, the vast majority of the undocumented immigrants, who are escaping oppression, violence, and bloodshed in their homelands in Central America, in deteriorating situations encouraged by aggressive foreign policy of Ronald Reagan and other Republican Presidents since the 1980s, all in the name of backing right wing oppressive governments in the area.

Donald Trump has no intention of changing policy, and Latinos now face direct threats of violence and bloodshed and death, inspired by white supremacist websites, and young hoodlums who have mental illness and hate, and blame Latinos for their own insecurities and shortcomings, such as the disgusting photos of young white males holding a likeness of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that they are strangling. These young men should be exposed for who they are, and be condemned by name by all decent people, and it is clear that their parents did a poor job of child rearing, a sign that this anti Latino hatred is a danger to a community that is 18 percent of the nation,at 58 million Americans, and continuing to grow, even without undocumented immigrants being counted in the population.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the Anti Defamation League, People For The American Way, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and innumerable other organizations are engaged in an intense struggle to protect Latinos, and their basic health and safety, and all decent Americans must assist in protecting the rights of Latinos, as much as the basic rights of African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Jews, women, gays and lesbians, and disabled people.