Day: May 27, 2019

65 Years Since Supreme Court Decision In Brown V. Board Of Education

A week ago, the nation commemorated the 65th anniversary of the most significant and far reaching Supreme Court decision of the 20th century, Brown V. Board of Education, decided in 1954 by an unanimous 9-0 decision, spurred on by the second greatest Chief Justice in American history, Earl Warren.

This decision, an extremely rare unanimous case, has had a dramatic effect on America, regarding race relations and equal opportunity, no debate about that.

But at the same time, there is still much racism and prejudice, spurred on by Donald Trump, after the inspiring election before him of Barack Obama, as the ugly side of human relations came to the forefront.

And although there has been progress as compared to before 1954, there still is too much inequity in schools and funding, particularly in “Red” states in the South and Midwest.

But we also see more social intermingling of the different racial groups, as generations of children have friends of people of different backgrounds, and more mixed race children are being born, since skin color has become for many young people not an issue as much as it was their grandparents and even parents.

There is still a lot of work and effort required to promote a truly multiracial society in a nation which will be majority minority in 2040 and beyond.