Day: May 18, 2019

Donald Trump Advocates Black Spiked Wall On Mexican Border, Demonstrates How Evil And Mentally Deranged He Is!

Donald Trump is becoming clearly more mentally deranged every day, as now when he advocates building a Border Wall with Mexico with a specific design.

Trump has openly said that the wall should be black steel and have spikes, with the goal of making it impossible for anyone to scale the wall, as the black steel would be too hot, and the spikes would be sharp and cause massive injuries and blood letting to occur.

How sickening and outrageous such a thought is even crossing one’s mind, let alone being expressed, as this utterance by the 45th President!

And let us not forget that at a recent rally, when someone in the crowd advocated shooting migrants trying to cross the border, Trump laughed and said only in the Florida Panhandle (where the rally occurred), would someone come up with such a thought! But the point was Trump should have immediately become angry and condemned the sick person who uttered such a thought in the crowd. Instead, the crowd laughed along with Trump, so one can imagine that many of these excuses for human beings, including women and racial minorities, not just white males, would willingly participate in mass murder, as occurred in the Holocaust under Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany!

What has happened to the moral compass of America, which clearly is a very sick nation! We have millions of racists, nativists, misogynists, antisemites, all willing to sacrifice human lives. At the same time, they are working to promote a so called Pro Life agenda for fetuses, but with no concern about the children born to poor mothers, and providing no medical, housing, or food support to many of these unfortunate families, who live in backwards states that abuse and mistreat their own population. But this is done in the name of their hypocritical religious views, which are NOT the teachings of Jesus Christ!