The Trump Nightmare continues, as Attorney General William Barr comes to a conclusion in just four pages of a statement on the Robert Mueller report, that there is no basis for any charges of Obstruction of Justice, when the Mueller Report stated no such assertion.
It is also stunning, after a two year investigation, that the Mueller report comes to the conclusion that there was no Russian collusion, when there is so much evidence of just that, and so much lying about that issue by Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, as well as others who had odd contacts with the Russians during the campaign, including Donald Trump, Jr, alongside convicted Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and others.
This looks like a cover up going on, and it is essential that the whole report be revealed, as well as Congressional testimony by both Barr and Sessions, as well as Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General.
Trump will use this situation to become ever more reckless in rhetoric, and more dangerous in using of power, than ever before, and the Democrats have an overwhelming challenge to defeat Donald Trump, who short term has now seen his chances of winning reelection greatly enhanced.