Day: March 21, 2019

Donald Trump Becomes More Mentally Deranged Than Ever With His Weekend Rants On Twitter, And George Conway Calls For Action To Protect America

Donald Trump is becoming ever more dangerous, and more mentally deranged than ever, with his weekend and since rants on Twitter, including his disgraceful attacks on Senator John McCain, who passed away seven months ago.

Kelly Anne Conway’s husband, George Conway, a strong conservative attorney, has called for action to protect America, while his clueless wife stays with Donald Trump, defending him against her husband’s attacks. This has led Trump to issue blistering attacks on George Conway.

What kind of person allows his or her employer to attack his or her life partner and defends publicly the employer over the life partner?

One has to wonder about the ethics and morality of Kelly Anne Conway, who has become the laughing stock to anyone who has any sense of propriety.

It is not as if Kelly Anne Conway will be homeless and starving if she were to demonstrate some common sense, denounce Donald Trump, and resign.

But instead, one has to wonder how George Conway would not decide that it is time to divorce a woman who is a disgrace, and has sold her soul to a man not worthy of such loyalty as Donald Trump.