Donald Trump has done the most egregious action imaginable!
He has thrown South Korea and Japan “under the bus” with his love affair with Kim Jong Un, and he has torn apart the G-7 Alliance with his attack on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada.
Trump is a whacko, who has been manipulated, charmed, and bamboozled by a man half his age, and he is undermining the Korean Peninsula and national security.
And the idea that he would be invited to North Korea, and have this mass murderer, biggest violator of human rights, be invited to the White House?
This is pure insanity, and the US Senate must stop playing politics, and the Republican Party must speak out and fight against any agreement that Donald Trump negotiated without any staff or advisers with him, and is imposing on our allies in Asia, and on the American people.
Donald Trump is undermining all sense of propriety in foreign affairs, and to repudiate our allies for the past 70 years, and insult our Canadian neighbors, along with the British, French, German, and Japanese leadership is totally beyond the pale!
Bizarre Hollywood-style “trailer” Trumpty Dumbty showed to his new buddy, Kim Jong Un.
Beyond all decency, outrageous!
Trump’s version of the G8.
This is sickening!
Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Jeff Sessions used the Bible to defend Trump’s separation of children from families at border.
The Bible verse Sessions used to defend family separation was popular with slavery proponents.
This is sickening as well!
Trump says he wants ‘my people’ to ‘sit up at attention’ like North Koreans, then later says he’s just ‘kidding’
Whoopeee!!!! Manafort is going to jail!!!!