Day: January 9, 2018

Donald Trump Tweets Give Away How Sick And Demented He Is: A Look Into His Mind And Soul, The Only Way He Is Transparent

Donald Trump Tweets have given away how sick and demented he is.

One could argue that Twitter should ban the diatribes of President Trump, but the argument is that he is a world leader, and therefore, cannot be blocked.

The good side of this is that it proves to any sane person of Trump’s evil mind and soul, the basic way in which Trump is transparent, as he will not hold full fledged press conferences.

The bad side of this is that Trump comes across as totally vindictive, insulting, threatening, and abusive in most of the tweets he issues.

It is clear that while this is a new form of communication, it is not likely that it will be utilized in the future on the constant level that Trump uses it daily. It can be a very dangerous weapon.

We can only hope that Trump’s ridicule of and taunts at Kim Jong Un of North Korea will not lead to a massive war on the Korean peninsula, or the unleashing of nuclear weapons that could kill millions of people in North Korea, South Korea, and Japan, including Americans who live in Asia and those in the military defending South Korea.

If Trump’s loose tongue causes such a disaster, he will have committed mass murder, and should immediately be taken into custody as a war criminal.

If such a disaster as a massive war occurs, America will be stained forever by having allowed such a maniacal person to have authority as the President of the United States, and his Republican party will share the blame and responsibility for such disaster by refusing to consider removal of the President as unfit to serve.