Donald Trump has finished six months in office, and he has been extremely lucky, as there has been no major crisis that has arisen in domestic or foreign affairs, with only his own promotion of chaos and incompetence causing him problems, along with the inept Republican Party, which has the majority in Congress, and has failed to accomplish anything of significance.
But ever since 2011, the Republican House and since 2015 the Republican Senate, has proved they cannot govern, and it is quite certain that the American people will vote them out of the majority in 2018, at least in the House, with the Senate very unlikely to switch due to only 8 Republican seats up to 25 for the Democrats.
Trump has proved he cannot even work with the party that he is supposed to represent. He is now in the process of totally alienating the Republican Establishment due to his actions, statements, and outrageous behavior on a daily basis.
The “good luck” that Trump has had in regards to no major crisis is assuredly coming to an end soon, as many challenges lie ahead, with North Korea’s nuclear threat growing exponentially, and Trump having said North Korea would not develop as a threat to America, but now they are, as their missile testing indicates a nuclear weapon on top of a missile could lead to a nuclear attack on Alaska, Hawaii, the whole Pacific Coast, and conceivably as far east as Chicago. And as they continue their testing unabated, the whole Atlantic Coast, including Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC, and all the way down to Georgia could come under attack.
The problem is that Trump has no experience, no substance, no knowledge, no skills to deal with such an overwhelming crisis, which could be worse by far than September 11.
It could be the ultimate disaster in American history if the wrong policy is followed, or the wrong development occurs.
We have to pray that the military men around Trump—Secretary of Defense James Mattis, newly appointed Chief of Staff John Kelly, and National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster—can pool their great military experience and careers and convince Trump of the right path to follow to avoid an ultimate disaster.
If everything goes wrong, Donald Trump could preside over the mass loss of life and destruction unmatched in American history, and possibly worse than the loss of life in The Civil War, World War I, and World War II combined, and this is not just about America, but the loss of life in the Korean Peninsula, including American military personnel, and also Japan, which suffered from the only nuclear disaster in wartime in world history, and most certainly, is terrified at another such event occurring 72 years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki!
Trump dictated Jr.’s misleading statement on Russia meeting.
Trump is still determined to take away healthcare from people.