Now that Donald Trump “seems” likely to be the Republican Presidential nominee, after last night’s five Northeastern primary victories, it is time to consider who might be his Vice Presidential running mate.
Many of the potential choices could be seen as true horrors, something to be worried about were Trump elected, and something happened to him, requiring the Vice President to succeed the President!
The list would include:
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn
Dr. Ben Carson of Maryland
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee
Iowa Senator Joni Ernst
Tom Brady of the New England Patriots football team
Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley
Florida Governor Rick Scott
Florida Senator Marco Rubio
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
At this point, this blogger would think that Christie, Blackburn, Carson and Huckabee are the most likely choices in that order.
The worst choices in this blogger’s estimation would be Scott, Walker, Palin, and Sessions in that order.
Rubio and Haley would probably be much better choices than anyone on the list, but unlikely that either would be selected.
Tom Brady is just a real long shot, but since his ego is as great as Trump’s ego, it could be possible, but unlikely!
And Joni Ernst–good looking, young, and just as dim witted as Sarah Palin, but if Trump is looking for a Palin clone, it could happen!
LOL! Cruz is jumping the gun. He’s made his VP pick before anyone is nominated.
I figure the nomination will be won by Donald Trump (R-New York).
Suitable choices for him:
• Sam Brownback (R-Kansas)
— or —
• Rick Snyder (R-Michigan)
Ugh, D, you could not have chosen two worse candidates, worse than Scott, Walker, Palin and Sessions, but I know you are being sarcastic, not serious! Wow!