The Fox News-Republican Debate Of August 6—Which Ten Should Be In Debate?

The Republican National Committee has put itself in a hole, by allowing Fox News Channel to limit the number of participants in the first GOP Presidential debate on August 6 to ten.

Yes, there are too many candidates, and now it looks as if it will be 17, not 16, with assurances that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Ohio Governor John Kasich, and former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore will enter the race before that debate.

The whole concept of 17 candidates, unprecedented in American history, is absolutely crazy, but why should national public opinion polls decide this, rather than common sense, as to who is really qualified to be a potential President, based on experience and accomplishments?

So this blogger will now eliminate SEVEN of the 17 potential debate participants, on the grounds that they do not have the credentials to be President of the United States. This does not mean that the ten who are, on paper, qualified, SHOULD be President or be the nominee, but simply that they have better credentials to compete for the White House.

Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore–out of office since 2002, not one chance in a thousand of being nominated.

Carly Fiorina—no government experience, failed in the corporate world, never has a non politician been elected, and only Wendell Willkie was ever nominated by a major party.

Dr. Benjamin Carson— a fantastic pediatric surgeon, but no government experience, and there is no chance he can be elected, and his statements are often totally loony.

Former New York Governor George Pataki—a moderate, probably the most moderate, but absolutely no chance of being the nominee of the 2015 Republican Party.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal—-the most low rated governor in public opinion polls, a true disaster, and not a chance of being the nominee.

Former Texas Governor Rick Perry—had a chance in 2012, came across as moronic, and has no chance, even with new glasses, to be the nominee.

Business Donald Trump–who has NO qualifications to be President, and no government experience, no chance to be the nominee, and is out to destroy the Republican brand to feed his ego.

So the “serious” candidates who SHOULD be allowed in the debate are:

Five Senators–4 in the Senate now (Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham) and former Senator Rick Santorum.

Five Governors—3 in office now (Chris Christie, John Kasich, Scott Walker) and two former Governors (Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee)

Those who would object to this elimination of seven candidates have to answer the question: Do you REALLY believe any of the seven eliminated have ANY chance to be the nominee? Come on, get real!

4 comments on “The Fox News-Republican Debate Of August 6—Which Ten Should Be In Debate?

  1. D July 8, 2015 10:14 am

    I suggest the 10 this “party” most deserves.

    In alphabetical order:
    • Ben Carson
    • Ted Cruz
    • Carly Fiorina
    • Lindsey Graham
    • Mike Huckabee
    • Rick Perry
    • Rick Santorum
    • Donald Trump

    Now, I listed not ten but eight. And that’s because there are two Republicans who have not announced intention to run for president of the United States who should jump into the race. “Head” first.

    Those “worthy” Republicans are:
    • Sam Brownback
    • Tom Cotton

    This may be fun. (… May. … Be.)

  2. Ronald July 8, 2015 10:29 am

    HAHA, D! I love your sarcasm! LOL

    You have left out the “more reasonable” candidates, including Kasich and Bush! You are so funny!

  3. Ronald July 8, 2015 3:06 pm

    Very sad, but the battle against the right wing must continue, and progressives need to react strongly in every way they can!

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