Climate Change Seen As Essential Issue By Military, Intelligence, And Security! So Climate Change Deniers Must Be Confronted And Defeated!

There is more growing evidence of a dangerous trend on climate change, with 14 of the last 15 years the warmest on record; with the melting of the icebergs in the Arctic; and the growing flooding issue affecting the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Additionally, there are tons of evidence of climate change worldwide in all kinds of ways.

And yet the climate change deniers, led by Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and others in Congress, claim that there is absolutely no evidence, and that nothing needs to be done.

President Barack Obama has attempted to draw attention to this crucial issue, with little success.

And yet, we have military leaders; we have those in the intelligence community; and we have those involved in our national security apparatus, who are only too aware of the realities and challenges of climate change, with the naval base in Virginia, Norfolk Naval Station, one clear example of many of the future dangers to our national security.

So these communities—military, intelligence, security—must continue to lead the fight as this “ostrich in the sand” mentality will undermine the future of America, if we continue to allow these deniers the power and influence that they possess!

4 comments on “Climate Change Seen As Essential Issue By Military, Intelligence, And Security! So Climate Change Deniers Must Be Confronted And Defeated!

  1. Max May 26, 2015 11:03 am

    Climate change is responsible for Boko Haram according to Obama! Seriously! Good grief! Our politicians get dumber by the minute.

  2. Rustbelt Democrat May 26, 2015 12:55 pm

    And where did you hear that, Max? Your favorite right-wing blog?

  3. Max May 26, 2015 2:15 pm

    Rustbelt: Didn’t you hear Obama’s commencement address to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy?

  4. Southern Liberal May 26, 2015 5:44 pm

    LOL! Weekly nonsense from Max!

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