Day: May 14, 2015

Bill Clinton A Major Problem For Hillary Clinton, But Not Controllable!

Hillary Clinton may be far ahead in polls for the Democratic Presidential nomination over any conceivable opponent, and ahead of every GOP Presidential possibility, but it is not a fool proof situation for her, by any means.

Besides the problems surrounding her destruction of emails on a personal server, instead of the State Department servers; and the controversy over the Clinton Foundation and contributions that may have been a conflict of interest while she was Secretary of State under Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton also faces the burden of her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton is a double edged sword, in that he is extremely popular and adored by many millions of Americans, and yet, he is also a detriment because of his personality and his statements and actions.

Bill Clinton harmed Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina primary in 2008, by what was perceived as his racist statements about Barack Obama; as well as the reality that he had a “loose mouth” generally, which got him and her into trouble in the minds of many observers.

This time around, Bill Clinton has made clear that he will continued to speak his mind unimpeded, and he is bound to harm his wife’s candidacy by so doing.

Already, he has said that he will continue to give speeches for a fee up to an astronomical $550,000, because the Clintons “have bills to pay.” Really? Does Bill Clinton NOT realize how that sounds, and adds to the image that the Clintons are out of touch with reality, including Hillary’s statement last year that the couple was “broke” when they left the White House in 2001!

The Clintons are, clearly, part of the one percent, and to act as if they are “normal” people, and to exploit their celebrity can be understood as part of the capitalist mentality of America, but it is bound to cause Hillary grief as the Presidential campaign wears on for the next 18 months!