Hillary Clinton may be far ahead in polls for the Democratic Presidential nomination over any conceivable opponent, and ahead of every GOP Presidential possibility, but it is not a fool proof situation for her, by any means.
Besides the problems surrounding her destruction of emails on a personal server, instead of the State Department servers; and the controversy over the Clinton Foundation and contributions that may have been a conflict of interest while she was Secretary of State under Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton also faces the burden of her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton is a double edged sword, in that he is extremely popular and adored by many millions of Americans, and yet, he is also a detriment because of his personality and his statements and actions.
Bill Clinton harmed Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina primary in 2008, by what was perceived as his racist statements about Barack Obama; as well as the reality that he had a “loose mouth” generally, which got him and her into trouble in the minds of many observers.
This time around, Bill Clinton has made clear that he will continued to speak his mind unimpeded, and he is bound to harm his wife’s candidacy by so doing.
Already, he has said that he will continue to give speeches for a fee up to an astronomical $550,000, because the Clintons “have bills to pay.” Really? Does Bill Clinton NOT realize how that sounds, and adds to the image that the Clintons are out of touch with reality, including Hillary’s statement last year that the couple was “broke” when they left the White House in 2001!
The Clintons are, clearly, part of the one percent, and to act as if they are “normal” people, and to exploit their celebrity can be understood as part of the capitalist mentality of America, but it is bound to cause Hillary grief as the Presidential campaign wears on for the next 18 months!
I don’t much care how much the Clintons make. Good bless them. But they should own up to their situation and stop pretending they are still average earning Americans. If you made your wealth by not stealing, honestly then you have nothing to be ashamed of and you should be proud and people should congratulate you. But apparently they, the Clintons themselves, seem to be ashamed by the wealth. Was it because it wasn’t earned by hard work, fair and square? That said, I wouldn’t support Hillary because of her wealth but because of her ideology and policies. Finally the Clintons are more like in the top 0.1% rather that the top 1%. Based on the Internal Revenue Service’s 2010-2014 database below, here’s how much the top Americans make:
Top 1%: $380,354
Top 5%: $159,619
Top 10%: $113,799
Top 25%: $67,280
Top 50%: >$33,048
Let’s say I agree that Bill Clinton saying whatever is a problem for Hillary Clinton. I would, after agreeing, have to question why Bill Clinton does this in the first place.
If he persists, then it would lead me to think he’s intentionally sabotaging Hillary Clinton because, in reality, he doesn’t want her to be elected to the presidency of the United States. He had been president. She could become president. Her winning would be more historically significant than his. (This would be true even though his first victory, in 1992, counter-realigned a realigned electoral map we now recognize as “The Blue Firewall” base states of the Democratic Party.) And he would become overshadowed.
Could all this be the case? I think it can be. I believe it takes a lot of ego to run, to get nominated, and to get elected for president of the United States. Ego isn’t necessarily bad. It seems, come to think, ego is required for most candidates’ pursuit and success for reaching the highest office in the United States. So, it’s within the realm of possibility that Bill Clinton could feel intimidated over the fact that he is married to the woman who may become the first female president of the United States. It’s such a close connection…it could be too close a connection.
I hope this is not the reality. I hope this is just a lot of nonsense. I hope that Bill Clinton, from Hope, Arkansas, continues to be misunderstood by many who intentionally or unintentionally misinterpret his remarks.
I do agree with those who say that 42nd president of the United States, if he’s wanting his wife to be the 45th president of the United States, should do what Archie Bunker used to tell his wife Edith Bunker on the landmark CBS comedy series “All in the Family.” In this case, he’s Edith; and, perhaps behind the scenes, it’s Hillary being Archie. So, some stifling is in order [for Bill Clinton].
Oh I don’t think Hillary will ever be in any sort of trouble for what either Bill says or does or for the matter for whatever she says or does. You got Bill, a man accused of multiple sex offenses, disbarred from the Arkansas Bar for lying under oath, yet he is a favorite among liberal women whether they be politicians or so called journalist who seem to pee on themselves out of excitement every time they see him. Then you got Hillary out there now championing equal pay for women yet she paid women 72 cents on the dollar men made in her staff. Did or does it matter? No! The media will always defend the Clintons or look the other way. You got for example the ex-Clinton War Room hack George Stephanopoulos there pretending to be a journalist. And you got the low-information voters who most are “genitalian” voters, meaning they will vote for a candidate according to the genitals. In other words the Clinton know perfectly well nothing will ever stick to them and that they are above the law. Even the Professor here will surely vote from them come election day, if not in the primary.
Max writes, “The media will always defend the Clintons or look the other way.”
The Corporate News Media likes to look the other way.
Toward the Republican Party’s Talking Points.
Max, the reason I will vote for Hillary Clinton, even if not totally enthused, is that the most important issue in voting is the court system, and particularly the Supreme Court.
If any Republican wins the Presidency in 2016, then the Supreme Court will be extremely right wing for the next 20-30 years, and will destroy all of the progress made under the Warren and Burger Courts.
The Presidency will change hands, but the Supreme Court and the lower courts will be so extreme right that it will take us back to the 19th century Gilded Age, and wipe out much of the Progressive Era, the New Deal, and the Great Society!
This is the urgent reason for the election of any Democrat to the White House!
Although I’m not too thrilled about Hillary Clinton, I would vote for her because the Democrats are more in line with my political views on social issues than the Republicans are.