Day: January 30, 2014

January 30 Commemoration Of FDR Birth And Adolf Hitler Coming To Power In Nazi Germany!

The day January 30 represents a significant positive moment in American history with the birth in 1882 of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who would become the second greatest President in American history, after Abraham Lincoln. FDR would take America through the Great Depression and World War II, and gave us the New Deal programs that are part of America ever since!

The New Deal made a dramatic difference in people’s lives, and continues to have a positive effect on America after 80 years. What Barack Obama has had to deal with is very similar to what FDR faced, with the opposition of extreme right wingers in the business community plotting against him until they were exposed in 1934, forcing the end of their plotting, but demonstrating that they were a threat to American democracy. The present Tea Party Movement is the inheritor of that extremist group, out to promote the top one percent at the expense of the other 99 percent of the nation.

As much as we can applaud the celebration of the 132nd anniversary of FDR’s birth, we must be sober at the fact that on FDR’s 51st Birthday as President Elect in 1933, the coming to power of Adolf Hitler on that day 81 years ago, marked the beginning of the massive loss of life and freedom for hundreds of millions of people who became victims in, and outside of, Nazi Germany over the next dozen years. The thought that there were many Americans who applauded what Hitler represented, including many in the business community, is enough to make one shudder and express total disgust. But the right wing today is not all that different in its racism, its hatred of democracy, and its promotion of corporate interests, similar to what the Nazis advocated!

So today is a day to commemorate the greatness of FDR, but also to mourn, and never forget, the nightmare of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany!

The Wealthy Fear Of The “Trifecta”: Obama, Pope Francis, And Bill De Blasio!

Imagine what it is like to be extremely wealthy, part of the top one percent, such as the Walmart heirs and the Koch Brothers!

You would think they have a perfect life–more than they could ever spend, no worries as 99 percent of Americans have daily, able to wield power and corrupt the American political system!

And yet, apparently, they are having nightmares over the so called “Trifecta” of public leaders who demand some compassion, some empathy, some willingness to pay their fair share of taxes, some understanding that the world does not revolve around them!

All of a sudden, instead of most political and religious leaders kowtowing to them, kissing their feet, worshiping their wealth, we are seeing true principle and conviction among some courageous leaders, that it is time for the top one percent to be held accountable! They have destroyed labor and the environment, and have worked to buy a government that favors them, and victimizes the middle class and the poor!

Kudos therefore to President Barack Obama, Pope Francis, and New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio, as they terrify the elite into understanding that they have met their match!

The wealthy top one percent must be forced to be good citizens, whether they like it or not, or else the American democratic system is doomed for the future!