New York City looks ready to elect a progressive Mayor who really cares about the poor and the middle class, unlike Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and former Mayors Rudy Guiliani, Edward Koch, and Abraham Beame!
Bill De Blasio has, apparently, won slightly more than 40 percent of the Democratic Primary vote, and should be able, therefore, to avoid a runoff with the second place finisher, 2009 Mayoral nominee Bill Thompson, who lost the election to Bloomberg.
De Blasio has talked about the “Tale of Two Cities”, with 46 percent of the city being very poor, and the wealthy being so super wealthy that it is actually obscene, a result, partially, of the Great Recession of 2008, but also the result of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who basically “bought” his three terms of office, being the wealthiest politician in America, but has shown no interest in the plight of the poor in the biggest city in America!
And the fact that De Blasio, who is white, has an African American wife, and two dark skinned, mixed race children, who are inspiring on their own, gives hope that something really significant will be done about education, health care, crime, and quality of life, taking into consideration the need to change the Bloomberg era policies!
This is a great moment, having now gone from a black President, whose mother was white, to a potential Mayor married to a black woman, and having mixed race son and daughter, who all form a loving family, just like the family of Barack Obama!
This is the future of America, as the nation moves from majority white to a majority minority population by 2040 or so, as it is already in New York City!
De Blasio has the potential to be the most inspiring Mayor of New York City since the great Fiorello La Guardia, who served three terms from 1934-1945!
After Rudy Guiliani and Michael Bloomberg … New Yorkers may be able to breathe fresh air again.
It is ironic, D, that both Guiliani and Bloomberg were once Democrats, but they became converted to the “dark side” LOL to gain public office!
Of course, in fairness, we MUST say that both men were far too liberal for the GOP of 2013!
I wouldn’t use the word “ironic.” The term “opportunistic” would be more accurate to describe Rudy Guiliani and Michael Bloomberg.
It is past time that New York City residents actually gave a damn who is representing America’s No. 1 most-populous city. I understand the decision with Anthony Weiner, who was self-destructive despite good on policies, but they would have made a huge mistake had they nominated Christine Quinn.