Barack Obama being the first racially mixed President, but with an image of being totally “Black” even though his mother was white, has been subjected to constant racism by talk show hosts on the RIght, by Fox News Channel, by code language used by Republican politicians, and by ordinary citizens, particularly in the South, who are unable to accept that we have a President who represents a minority heritage, rather than the white Caucasian majority which is rapidly moving toward being a minority itself in the next 30 years.
But now the attack on First Lady Michelle Obama, who is totally African American, unlike her husband, is accelerating on the issue of her appearance, with jokes and criticism being issued by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, the original heavy set “gas bag”; Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, who also is overweight; and even by coaches and teachers in their professional roles, something totally inappropriate!
The comment is made that her arms are too muscular, but also her posterior is overly large, forgetting that she is 50 years old, and cannot be expected to have the body of a 25 or 35 year old.
And for Limbaugh and Sensenbrenner, who are both overly heavy themselves, to comment about being overweight in the derriere, is an amazing case of hypocrisy and gall, but what else is new about conservative talk show hosts and Republicans being so?
So now the new racism and sexism is in play without any shame, and shows us how little progress has been made in electing the first minority President in American history twice by popular vote majorities!
But just as Barack Obama ignores attacks, Michelle Obama is also dismissive of stupid, foolish, ignorant statements about her appearance, keeping her dignity in the midst of a flailing opposition which has nothing to offer the nation except personal insults and character assassination.
And meanwhile, the public opinion rating of both Barack and Michelle Obama continues to soar into the stratosphere!
Oh yes, there has never been any attack on any prior First Lady by the left. Lets see what they wrote about Laura Bush.
1.You mean docile, prudish, former librarian Laura Bush, she of the nonexistent inspiration and dull-as-dishwater personality?
2. Laura Bush out on tour recently with her twin Styrofoam peanut daughters…
3. There is Laura, looking exactly as she has looked for the past eight insufferable years. Prim, a bit glassy, reserved, her hair some sort of ironclad helmet of awkward architecture, the very epitome of nice, meek, domestic Republican female, not making the slightest wave and hoping no one really notices because, well, she’s just a woman.
4. Laura has indeed taken on that wild ‘n’ wooly issue, fought valiantly to ensure lots of white children have enough access to “James and the Giant Peach.” It’s a hugely divisive, hot-button topic that’s tearing the nation apart and really needs someone of her position and influence to step in and … Oh, never mind.
5. And besides, meek, shy girls who want nothing more than to marry the male equivalent of a tub of spackling paste at age 22 and never think for themselves and never inspire anyone to do anything need role models, too. Right?
6. For in choosing to be and do almost nothing at all for all these years, Laura has also come to epitomize the compliant, unobtrusive woman
7. They call her “classy.” What they mean is: She knows her place, keeps her mouth shut, possesses exactly zero sexuality, speaks only when spoken to, lets the men do the “real” work, stays so far off in the background she might as well be wallpaper.
8. I think Laura Bush has been bad for America.
Is Laura Bush going to hell? See:
And remember Kitty Kelley: “Laura Bush was a go-to-girl for dime bags of marijuana”
Totally agree Professor!
Juan, this is the first I have heard about attacks on Laura Bush, such as you cite. I am well aware that other First Ladies have been attacked including, of course, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Reagan, Betty Ford, Eleanor Roosevelt, even Lucy Hayes–all for standing up for some principles, and Michelle Obama fits that mode, because she emphasizes healthy eating and exercise, and ends up having overweight, obnoxious people like Rush Limbaugh and James Sensenbrenner attack her for not having a 25 year old derriere! And to fail to see an element of racism in this is to be blind, as it is part of the norm by the Right Wing against our first African American President and First Lady. The sexism is nothing new, of course, but more awkward and unacceptable now than ever, but then the GOP has gone on the attack against outspoken women, or those who demand their basic human rights. Laura Bush is NOT an outspoken woman, so she has had a much kinder press than most First Ladies, which is all to the good for her.
When someone says that someone is classy that is a compliment, not a put down. It means you’re stylish, admirably smart, elegant.
You are absolutely correct, White Southern Christian Progressive!
Considering that almost everyone in power has been ridiculed and insulted, and not that I agree, but I must ask, why should the Obama’s be an exception? Just because they are black or half black half white? So anyone who makes fun of Michelle Obama’s behind is automatically a racist? Again, I am not the kind of person that like to make fun of or insult anyone, but unfortunately given the history from the left and the right media on this, I do not see what is all the hype about.
For years the left had compared Bush to Hitler, or Saddam, but where was the outrage? For many it is very convenient that the President is black, any criticism of his policies is automatically labeled racism. One cannot say anything without first searching in Google and making sure you are not speaking in code. Good grief, give me a break.
You are correct that all public figures are criticized and sometimes ridiculed, but does it NOT seem that the Obamas get more of this than has been typical? And can you deny that electing him has only encouraged racism, and that sexism is alive and well in 2013, despite Hillary Clinton and others breaking the “glass ceiling”?
I think we should not confuse institutionalize discrimination, discrimination supported by the full force of the law, as during the Jim-Crow era, with individual bigoted racist people. There will always be a few bigots, and the law does not nor should support their public actions. Now if in private they are bigots and racist, there is nothing government or anyone can really do. And believe me there are racist in every race, just as intelligence and stupidity it is evenly shared among all the races of the world. The fact that the US elected an African-American as President demonstrates that society as a whole has way passed the era of racism. Just think that in spite all the immigration in Europe, you will probably never see a black, or other immigrant minority reach the Presidency or Prime Ministry of France, Germany, Spain , Great Britain, Italy or any other country. What I am saying is that the Prime Minister of Russia will always look like Putin, of France will always look like Hollande, of Italy like Berlusconi, of Germany like Merkel, and of China like Jintao. Same thing can be said of south America. You will likely never see a black President of Brazil or leader of Cuba. Contrary to what many in the US believe I have seen racist abroad, and of all the races. So I don’t think racism was encouraged by the election of Obama, what I do think is that whenever there is a racial comment all the focus and attention is paid to it. Furthermore there is also an exaggeration by the overwhelmingly progressive media that is on a mission to discover new or old code words for racism. I mean I even heard Kieth Olbermann say that people who accuse Obama of playing too much golf was actually racist because when you think of golf you think of Tiger Woods and from there you conclude that Tiger is an angry black man who cheated on his wife and therefore you are implying that Obama is an angry black man!! And the examples of made up “code” words seem to be endless.
You make some interesting points, regarding the different nations, and we, therefore, have a lot to be proud of that we have overcome the racial barrier enough to elect a minority President. Now the question is whether we can elect a woman President, as many nations have now done, as that is still a barrier in America. And of course, there will always be racism of individuals of all races, with the hope that education can minimize this more over time.
I still cannot believe how the Democrat party and its establishment through Hillary under the bus for an inexperienced Senator! I mean after all she had done and sacrificed for the cause. Putting up with Bill’s infidelities, standing behind him so he could flourish as Governor and President. I really thought the candidacy would be hers in 2008, that the Democrat Party owed it to her. I mean they let the Obama machine go after her and Bill, using all their dirty tricks and playing the race card as Bill rightly complained. And the media! How they just dumped Hillary for Obama was amazing. Bill could not believe it.
In any event I just hope the first woman President is not Hillary. Her time was in 2008 and unfortunately for not only her but more important for the country, everything indicates that the debt crisis will explode before 2016. I think Hillary is opening up a little bit and establishing differences with Obama when she said this to Greta Van Susteren:
CLINTON: “But you have to I think take a step back and look at the fact that the people now in power have never been in government, never had a chance to really learn how to run agencies. You do get the impression that he and the team around him are trying to deal with the economy that is in very bad shape. And some of what he’s done we have approved of and supported and some of what he’s done, like abrogating a lot of power unto himself, personally reinstating emergency law provisions, are troubling. And, you know…”
Too bad she didn’t mention this before. I don’t think she is a conservative alarmed about Obama extra-constitutional power grab.
Typo: “threw” Hillary under the bus..
Correction: The last quote from Hillary that I read was actually about Morsi in Egypt, so I take that quote back. The rest of my post up to “.. before 2016” stays.
Ok, I feel better, as I had not seen Greta Van Susteren, but found it hard to believe that Hillary would say that about Obama publicly.
Scared you there for a minute…LOL!
Yes, you gave me quite a shock! LOL hahahaha Do you notice how we have actually become quite friendly as we debate? 🙂
Talking about racism, I believe you never heard of Nkosi Thandiwe, a story conveniently ignored by the national networks and papers. . I wonder why? In the end a woman died, another was left paralized for life and the murderer got life sentenced, all for applying the “liberal” hate race ideology that he learned in college.
This is a very shocking case, and I was fully aware that racism can exist in any race, but this is to the extreme, and, of course, outrageous and unacceptable. What a tremendous tragedy!