Mitt Romney, the presumptive GOP nominee for President, spoke to college students at Otterbein College in Ohio yesterday, and suggested they take a risk and start a small business.
Sounds like not a bad idea, right?
But he suggested that if that student does not have the money to start a business, then ask one’s parents to help him out with a loan.
Does Romney not realize that many families cannot afford to pay for their children’s college education, and yet they are supposed to be able to help their children start a business?
Does he not realize that many middle class, as well as poor families, are living hand to mouth, having lost jobs, homes, pensions, due to Republican policies under George W. Bush and the Republican Party in the first eight years of this century?
Mitt Romney had the advantage of wealthy parents, but most Americans do not have that advantage, and now, millions of them also have unbelievable levels of debt from their education, and would have, therefore, no means to be able to start a small business!
And of course, Romney would not support the idea of having taxpayers help pay off those student debts by, god forbid, expecting wealthy people to pay a fair share of taxes after eight years of getting away with that responsibility due to the Bush tax cuts. After all, that would mean that HE would have to pay more taxes, and that would be an absolute outrage, wouldn’t it?
So expect students to pay their debts in full, now nearing $1 trillion, even though we spend $2 trillion a month in Afghanistan, but still suggest that their impoverished parents give them a loan to start a small business!
It is clear that Mitt Romney is an ostrich with his head in the sand, totally out of touch with reality!
Mitt Romney led the most liberal state in the nation back from a budget crisis to economic health. He did so by reaching intelligent compromise with MA’s extremely liberal state legislators; together they were able to set the state’s economy back on the right path. As a moderate, I consider this to be the most important talent that Romney can bring to the nation. I admire Obama’s oratorical skills, but the proven fact is that he cannot function as a political leader; he appears utterly unable to develop compromise solutions with Republicans. When Congress disagrees with him, Obama castigates Congress; when SCOTUS disagrees with him, he condemns them as being “unelected” – apparently because he was absent the day they taught constitutional law at Harvard Law School.
I realize that liberal ideologues try to blame this logjam on Republicans, but Romney already demonstrated his ability to reach sound political compromises – with even those at the far end of the political spectrum from himself. Obama remains a fine orator, but his economic policies are horrible. Recall that Germany’s Merkel faced just as big a crisis, but her more intelligent economic policies restored Germany’s economy far better and sooner than Obama’s. Obama didn’t begin to focus on fixing the economy until recently; Romney will make the economy his primary focus from day one.