Day: June 30, 2009

Mark Sanford, Rush Limbaugh, And Michele Bachmann: Glad The GOP Has Them :)

As we finish June,  the Republican Party is further self destructing, without any help from Democrats!

Mark Sanford, the Governor of South Carolina, is digging a deeper hole for himself, and making one wonder about his sanity.  He keeps on talking about his Argentine lover, who he calls his "soulmate",  and who he admits to have met seven, not three times; says he "crossed the line",  but did not have sex with several other women over the years; says that he will not leave office because "God" wants him to stay in office; and with all this said, he will attempt to "fall back in love" with his wife, who has already made it clear that her life is centered on her four sons and the building of their character, not on his career.

Rush Limbaugh this week is also acting irrationally, having stated that Mark Sanford was so upset over President Obama and his agenda that it caused him to leave the country to escape the pressure, forgetting that this affair and trips outside the country began under the administration of President Bush, not Obama.  Also,  Rush said that Obama intended to stay in office beyond 2016, even though the 22nd Amendment only allows any President two complete terms in office, and even if the amendment were changed, it would not affect the President in office at the time.  These statements border on lunacy and also paranoia, and it makes one wonder if Rush is about to be admitted to a mental hospital, maybe because he is overdosing on painkillers illegally obtained, as is part of his history!

Michele Bachmann  had already said she was worried that filling out the Census of 2010 would lead to too much information in the hands of the government, so that she would not cooperate with the Census Bureau,  and suggested that her constituents also refuse to fill out the census forms.  Of course, if only a few thousand people follow her lead,  it would reduce the Minnesota congressional delegation by one House member, and it would be likely that her district would be merged into another, and she would lose her seat!  So, Michele, PLEASE promote this, so we can get rid of you and your moronic presence in the House of Representatives, as you make no contribution, except to promote hate and division in America!

If the Democrats tried to create these characters, they could not do as good a job as the Republicans are in destroying themselves!  :) 

Finally! Al Franken Is The Declared Winner of Minnesota Senate Race

Finally, after almost eight long months, and six months since the new Senate convened,  former talk show host Al Franken has been declared the winner of the contested Minnesota Senate seat by a unanimous vote of the state Supreme Court.

Also, former Senator Norm Coleman has finally conceded the race, therefore ending the longest struggle for a Senate seat at least in modern times if not all time. 

It has been a very frustrating half year as Minnesota has been denied half of its Senate membership despite the fact that Franken was ahead from the original recount onward, but Coleman decided to pursue all avenues and was encouraged by his party and many Senate colleagues.

The margin of victory may have been only a few hundred votes, but democracy did not win out until finally the situation was mercifully ended this afternoon.

This development gives the Democrats 60 votes, IF all of the 58 Democrats and Independents Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders work together, but of course the reality is that there is not unanimity on all legislation and on philosophy, so probably the idea of a filibuster proof Senate is more illusion than reality.

However, the seating of Al Franken,  who I believe will add  his intellect and personality to the betterment of the Senate, is a good thing, and I applaud the end of the electoral mess today!